
4.8K 156 25

Date Published: Sept 27, 2020
Word Count: 1.3k+
Note: Since I got inspired in writing today because of the comments and votes of this book, here's a short chapter. 


"You looked tired." Hawk said, throwing a can of soda at you before making his way inside the laboratory.

You caught it with ease and grinned, "Tired but satisfied."

You placed down your bag on the table before wearing a lab coat. There were other people inside the laboratory, each of them is wearing a mask, safety goggles, and gloves. 

Hawk wore a customized lab coat so that it won't get in the way with his wings, while you pulled your hair in a bun and wore mask and safety goggles. You then washed your hands first before wearing your gloves. 

The laboratory was vast and it was divided into smaller sections so that all of them can work simultaneously. There was a small cabinet attached to where you're going to work along with Hawk and another two people. You opened it and took out the white grains. The Quirk Enhancer.

"Careful," Hawk muttered, walking passed you. 

"I will." You answered, pulling out an empty tube from the test tube rack. Someone pushed a mortar and pestle near you and you thanked him before pouring a tablespoon of white grain in it. These white grain came from the hotel that you infiltrated months ago.

"Here." You gave the empty tube to Hawk for him to pour a liquid in it. He took it from you and began heating a dark blue liquid on the other side. 

You grabbed the pestle and began crushing the white grain into a fine powder. You followed the instruction Tetsorou sent via email. 

Everyone worked in silence that evening. You were engrossed with your work and before you know it, it was already 4 AM. You were feeling groggy as you sat on a chair like a soggy noodle.

"Kid. Go and rest for a while." Hawk rubbed his tired eyes. He too was in no condition either. You playfully rolled your eyes. "I just need a few minutes."

"No, it's fine. Get some rest. Sleep for 30 minutes, at least."

"If I sleep, no doubt I'll wake up much later. So I'd rather not." Even U.A's alarm cannot even wake you up. 

"If you say so. But don't overwork yourself. Your boyfriend might get angry at me."He teasingly said in which you helplessly shook your head and pushed him away so that he'd go back to his task.

Speaking of my boyfriend. He's probably still sleeping now.


Fatgum studied his partner that was silently walking beside him. His black pants and an orange, zippered hood stood out among the sea of people in the street. He was exuding a friendly and bright aura.

"I'm glad you're okay now." He spoke, after a while. Watching the male flinched in surprise before looking up at his form. 

"W-what do you mean?"

Tamaki was thinking about you. It's almost lunchtime. He sent you a good morning message but he never got a reply from you. It was okay since you told him you'd be very busy. But he was concerned. What if you've been working nonstop? He already wore you out and you haven't had a proper rest since then.

He woke up this morning feeling energized and happy. So he hoped you feel the same way. 

"You've been down since last week, and I often find you staring into space, without actually looking at anything in particular so I thought you must have a big problem... But now, you're back to normal. That's good!" Fatgum's smile stretched even wider, ecstatic at the thought of Tamaki overcoming his problem.

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