
4.5K 104 7

Date Published: Oct 14, 2020 [11PM]
Word Count: 1.5k+
Note: More like a filler. This is just an introduction to our final arc! We're nearing the end of this boooookkkkkkk!


The next day,

Your head was hazy the moment you woke up. You lazily opened your eyes, your fingers running along with the silken mattress.

You snuggled in your comforter, it was very soft, like clouds and the cool temperature of the room makes you reluctant to leave the bed.

You breathed in deeply, shifting to a new position when your arms landed on something warm and hard.

It was Tamaki. His face was buried on the pillow, his eyes close and you can clearly see his side profile.

You stared at his tall nose and parted lips for a while before your eyes drifted down. That's when you jolted upright, the comforter sliding down to your waist, you scrambled and pulled it up when you realized you're still naked.

And he's naked!

Tamaki groaned, fluttering his eyes open at the sudden movements you caused.

"... Good morning Aki." You mumbled, gathering your messy hair on one side. More than half of the comforter was on your side, leaving the rest on Tamaki. The comforter was draped on his waist down to his legs, displaying his chiseled abs. " A beautiful morning..." You sighed internally.

 You could get used to this. Waking up beside him.

"Good morning bunny..." His voice was deeper than usual.

Since you're still sitting, your back was exposed. Indigo orbs trailed down from your neck littered with his love marks, exquisite waist, and to your rear. Realizing that he was openly ogling at you, he forcefully peeled his eyes away.

'Indeed, it's a beautiful morning.'

You moved your legs when a hiss came out of your lips. There was a slight discomfort in between your thighs, a reminder of what occurred yesterday.

The vivid memory came tumbling down and your face heated up. As you were distracted, you did not notice Tamaki, moving.

 The next thing you know, he had his chest pressed on your back and both of you fell back on the mattress.


Tamaki had his nose on the crook of your neck. "..."

You carefully turned but he held you in your place so all you can do is look at the walls since you landed on your side.

You bit your lips as you felt him nuzzling your hair. "So... I never knew you're into spanking..."

Tamaki froze, his hand resting on your stomach."T-t-that was...W-well it wasn't i-ntentional I-i just..." He grew quiet.

"That was what?" Your question was followed by silence. You smiled, feeling him pressed his head on your back.

Though your smile faded when you felt something poking on your thigh...

"You look so tempting-- this is all your fault, t-that I can't help myself." Tamaki mumble.

"Tamaki..." You felt his breath on your neck and then something wet and soft on your chin.

"Bunny..." He moved his lips down the side of your jaw, leaving an open mouth kisses.

You found your body starting to move on its accord.

It's like he casted a spell on you, his touch left a burning trail on your skin. And before you know it, your hands are doing his bidding.

Once again, your surroundings faded into nothingness. It disappeared, leaving you and him lost in the moment of ecstasy.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now