🦋❀38❀🦋: Inhibitions and Confusion (6)

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Date published: Sept 19, 2020
Word Count: 800+
Note: Filler! Short chapter.


Unable to speak, totally stunned as the sentence bounces around inside your head. You were struggling to inhale, to exhale, to do anything. You were shaking.

Your eyes were cloudy, tears hindering you from reading the sentence for the fifth time. When you blinked, tears rolled down your cheeks. The distorted view slowly came to focus. And you averted your gaze at the computer screen, crumpling the sticky note on your hand.

Tamaki had his head down when he pushed his door open. Nejire suddenly called him and told him to help her set up the dinner plates along with his other classmates. Since there were five of them who volunteered, they finished setting the plates in no time.

Tamaki heard a noise and lifted his head, he saw you looking at his computer. Your hand wiping your tears away, but it came out like a stream and no matter how much you try to stop yourself, your emotions flowed continuously.


Your eyes were red when you met his indigo orbs. Tamaki realized that you saw it. His eyes widen. Before he could explain his side, you stopped him by lifting your hand.

"Don't." You said. "I get it now."

You covered your face with your hands before brushing your hair with your fingers. You sighed. "I'm sorry Tamaki. I didn't know you were suffocated in our relationship. I didn't know you don't want this anymore. I didn't know. I'm sorry. " You bowed. Your eyes held no emotions, but your tears speak a thousand words. You were hurt, more than what you felt that night.

You don't want to cry anymore. Not like this.

"... It's h-hard to explain..." Tamaki mumbled.

"You don't have to. I did say I get what you mean. No wonder you were treating me harshly. You distanced yourself. You wanted to end this relationship but you don't know where to start right?"

Tamaki did not answer you. So you continued, "Then, I'll be the one t--"

Nejire burst inside the room, halting your words. "T-t-tamaki! Emergency, they finally found the lead and we're required to be there right now!" Nejire looked at you, feeling apologetic. " I'm so sorry Luna. We have to go. there's something we need to do."

Without waiting for your reply, she pulled Tamaki out of the room. You stood there, mind failing to function, staring after them. Silence enveloped the room. You chuckled and sat on his bed.

You don't know whether you should be thankful that Nejire interrupted you or not. You almost blurt out the words that you never wanted to say to Tamaki.

Your thoughts fell into an endlessly repeating loop, " What did I do? Does he not love me anymore? Why?"

The more you search for a plausible reason, the more your head hurts.

Did he even love you in the first place? Or he just doesn't want to reject you and hurt your feelings that's why he told you he likes you too?


Tamaki, Nejire, and Mirio wasn't present the next day. Nejire said they are currently investigating a Yakuza organization something that you can't quite understand. Hawk had another assignment, so you weren't involved in the operation too since you're more focused on the task given to you by Hawk.

"Luna, you're not going?" You heard someone called your name. You lazily opened one of your eyes to see who it was. " Not yet." You answered your classmate and closed your eyes, your head resting on your table.


Soon enough, the room was empty. Hawk contacted you earlier. He said he had excused you to the principal and homeroom teacher already, so it's okay to leave the school anytime.

You decided to sleep for an hour first before going to the agency since you'll pull an all-nighter. You'll probably stay there for 3 days straight so you have to prepare extra clothes. Starting tomorrow, you'll have to forget the word sleep.

On second thought, you'll go there in the evening. You remembered you have a reporting at the last subject later, though there are three of you in that reporting, you want to do your part also.

In the end, you begrudgingly dragged yourself to the Lunch Rush Cafeteria to buy yourself a sandwich and an energy drink. No matter how down you are, you'll never let yourself starve! Food is life!

On the way to the rooftop, you saw a girl struggling on carrying an object, you can't see what it was exactly since it was covered with plastic. Her salmon pink hair swayed behind her back as she walked. She was humming a lively tone. She was wearing a blue tracksuit. She had gadgets attached to her body, including a utility belt.

You quickened your pace and in no time, you arrived beside her, matching her pace. " Hi. May I know what that is?" You asked, flashing her a smile.

Her yellow irises with a cross in the center, looking like scope lenses stared right back at you. She smiled and lifted the object further. " This is my new super cute baby, and I'm going to test these out!" She replied, " You're Luna senpai, right?"

'Baby? I see, this is her invention and she's from support course.'

"Oh, yes I am. And I believed you're a 1st-year student. What's your name?"

"Mei Hatsume!"

"Mei Hatsume!"

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