🦋❀30❀🦋: Investigation (7)

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Date  Published: Sept 7, 2020
Word Count: 2k+
Note: We're almost done in this short arc. This chapter was rush, I still had to do my assignments hehe, Hope this is still understandable.

Excuse the grammar and typo. See ya next chapter!


"I got four here." You informed as you hid behind a stack of hay, crouching as you peeked behind you.

Hawk: Got it, Kid.

Hawk's voice resonated. You touched the back of your ear, feeling the earpiece. You adjusted it, making sure it won't fall off. 

Hawk: Tetsurou we're counting on you.

Tetsurou: Got it.

The three of you were preparing to raid an abandoned farm. Well, it used to be an abandoned farm. Not until those goons decided to make the area to be their factory.

On the surface, the land spans for kilometers, covered with untrimmed grasses. The soil was no longer healthy, instead it was cracked due to the absence of water.

There are cows loitering around.

There weren't any suspicious activities.

The farm looked barren. 

However, the anomaly lies within. Under this land.

This place was the last one on Hawk's list. And finally, there was progress! 

In the first three days, they only monitored the area and attached a surveillance camera. In those three days, the three of you spotted no one, but this was your last chance. Hawk and You cannot go back to Japan empty-handed!

Thankfully, after two more days, a suspicious person appeared, he wasn't carrying anything. He went inside a small run-down wooden house in the middle of the farm. It used to be the resting place of the farmer aside from the dirty hammock tied on the trees. 

The three of you had already scoured the farmland, especially the small wooden house. The inside was covered with spiderwebs, it was very dusty, almost the same as the apartment.

You thought the man would come out after a while since no one could stand being inside a dirty, dusty, and cramped house. But he never did. For two days, you didn't saw his presence, he didn't step out even once.

You thought he killed himself inside. Or maybe he was starving himself, he clearly didn't bring any food with him, and there was no food inside the house! With this thought, You decided to investigate, while you let Tetsurou and Hawk guard the area.

When you opened the house, there was no one there. You looked for his footprint but there wasn't any, making you think that you were just imagining him. He completely disappeared.

You brainstormed, you refused to accept the fact that he's gone. No, it wasn't your imagination, the three of you clearly saw him!

'maybe there was a hidden passage inside. Just like in the hotel, where those white grains were hidden'

You examined the floor, taking note of every single corner. The chairs and sofa.

Next, you appraise the thickness of the accumulated dust on the floor. That's when you noticed on the right part, near a broken rocking chair, there was almost no grayish powder near it. The Dust was thinner.

And just like the tiles on the hotel, one of the lumber was crook. Though it wasn't noticeable if you don't look at it closely.

 Though it wasn't noticeable if you don't look at it closely

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