🦋❀7❀🦋: New Look

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[July 17, 2020]


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You sat on the wooden bench as you listened to his instruction. You cannot help but admire Hawk as you listened to his plan. It was constructed carefully, living almost no loopholes. A man with high intelligence.

He can sense vibrations in the air around him. Allowing him to sense people's location. He had gathered valuable information without the suspect's knowledge in just a day.

"This is fun!" You grinned. It's like playing spy. 

"Not really, one wrong move and you'll die." He said flatly.

"You're not gonna join me?"

" Kid, I would if I could. However, I cannot cover my wings. They'll see through me first." He jerked his thumb toward a store where varieties of clothes were being displayed. 

"Change your look. Kid."

You rested a hand on your hip and cocked your head in the direction of the building."Alright then."

Both of you went inside the store. A saleslady greeted both of you. "Good morning, Pro Hero Hawk and..."

"Nereid." You shortly said. Well, it's not like everyone knows you.

"Have you prepared what I told you about yesterday?" Hawk asked and the lady smiled.

"Yes. We just need her measurements for the clothes."

Hawk told you to follow the lady while he'll wait near the counter.

He said he had already paid for everything so you don't have to worry about wasting money.

You thanked him, grateful before following the lady. After measuring your body proportions, she told you to wait for a while.

5 minutes passed after you saw her approaching you. She was smiling as she lifts the paper bags.

"Here you go." She handed you three paper bags and pointed at the dressing room, " You can change there."

"Okay. Thank you." You thought you were going to pick your clothes but she already did it. Not that you mind though. By the time you opened the curtain of the dressing room, the lady gasped.

The dress was tight on the upper part. The top showed your slender neck and exposed your shoulder blades. It hugs your waist and flowed freely on your hips and lands above your knee.

You also removed the bandage on your left arm and change your ring.

 " Do I look okay?" 

 You were wearing a wig. A long and straight salmon-colored wig that reaches below your waist.

" Wonderful! You look completely different." She clapped her hands. Feeling proud, " In a good way."

She handed you a pair of contact lenses and made you sit down on the chair and faced her. The lady took out a makeup kit and beamed at you. "For the final touch, makeup!"


In the other area. Tamaki felt his phone vibrate. 

Fatgum and him were having their break and stopped on a stall to order cold drinks. It was a message from you.

My Bunny 🐰: If life was a movie. You'd be my favorite scene. 🎶

My Bunny 🐰: I wanna see you 

My Bunny 🐰:   。:゚(;'∩';)゚:。

The image of you teary-eyed flashed in his mind. An unpleasant feeling rose in his chest and he felt heavy. He finds himself missing you. And it hasn't been 5 hours since both of you parted!

He stared at his phone for quite some time. Not knowing what to reply.

"Are you okay?" Fatgum asked. He handed the lemonade to his sidekick.

 "Y-yeah... Thank you." He sipped from the straw, his eyes on his phone.

Another message popped.

 My Bunny 🐰: I'll buy us dinner later. Do you have any specific food you like?

💬: I'll eat whatever you'll buy. I'm fine with anything.

He typed and pressed 'send' but before he could turn off his phone, another message popped.

 My Bunny 🐰: Do you want 🦐🦞🦀🦑🐙?

My Bunny 🐰: Or... How about...

My Bunny 🐰: Me?

Tamaki chokes on his lemonade. Hue of red immediately crept on his face. The tips of his ears felt like they'd catch fire any minute.

 "Easy there..." Fatgum rubbed his back gently. 

Tamaki looked down on the floor, not wanting to make the pro hero see him in his flustered state.

 My Bunny 🐰: Kidding!

He only nodded at Fatgum. Taking deep breaths. He sat down on the chair and drank his lemonade again.


[Note: I don't know what dress to put here. So feel free to imagine what you're wearing. ]

[Sorry for the short chapters.]

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