
4.1K 118 8

Date Published: Oct 2, 2020
Word Count: 1.1k+
Note: I was supposed to update yesterday, but after finishing a chapter in my other fanfic(ShotoTodoroki), I rested my eyes for like an hour, and then when I decided to write-- I remembered a story that I haven't finish reading so I read for a while until I forgot about my main objective. Lmao. Sorry.

Note: I'll be updating two chapters today. 


It was impossible to evade it so you brace yourself. The impact had you groaning as the debris landed on you before it tumbled down on the ground. 

You knitted your brows before you slowly got up. Your scale armor shined and it reflected the flames running wildly, eating the laboratory equipments.

"Are you okay?" Hawk finally arrived. You almost gave him a heart attack. 

You brush your shoulder and flapped your lab coat that was stained with the various liquid on the ground. " Yeah. I'm alright, though I can't hear you well." There was indifference in your tone as though the debris that spans more than 2 meters was just Hawk's imagination and you weren't hit by it.

"It's ringing." You pointed on your ears. The ringing was faint however, it's still there.

"Good. Good. Help me evacuate the people." Hawk muttered, eyeing the scales on your face. The scales that are capable of withstanding All Might's punch.

There was nothing to worry about after all.

You nodded, stripping off your lab coat. "What about the reversal potion?" You asked alarmed, looking at the direction where it was placed. The tube wasn't there. Your eyes drifted down and saw it on the ground. The glass was broken and not a single drop was spared.

'Well. There goes our hard work.'

"It's too late. We'll make another one. Their lives are more important now." Hawk replied, clicking his tongue.


"Is that everything?"


You watched as they carried the injured people out of the laboratory. The fire was distinguished immediately and it didn't went up the other floors thankfully. Apparently, the explosion was because of a miscalculation of a experiment. 

"Luna. Get yourself treated." Hawk threw a clean towel to you before he went back inside the lab. You turned your back and looked at yourself in front of a huge window that reflected yourself. Your jaw was bruised and there's a cut on your cheek. 

Your hair's a mess and your clothes dirty. You smell weird too due to the odd substances on the tiles were you slipped. Aside from that, you're good. 

Everyone was taken to the hospital immediately. Especially the scientists who took the blow head on. Luckily no one died but some got caught up with fire, burning their skin.

You deactivated your Scale armor and walked calmly to the comfort room to wash your face and your cut. After drying your face, you searched for your phone. You couldn't find it. 

You paused and rack your brains. You tend to be forgetful sometimes. To no avail, the last thing you remembered was entering the laboratory after slipping your phone in your lab coat's pocket. You begrudgingly trudged back to the laboratory, hoping to find your phone in good condition.

You look around, spotting Hawk's large wings. He was talking to someone you don't know. 

You went further inside, to where you landed. You crouched down, looking underneath all the equipment hoping to find your phone. It was almost time for Tamaki to arrive and you had to postpone your trip back to the dorm.

"Luna. Are you looking for your phone?" You look behind your shoulder. Hawk was holding your phone. "It's broken," he stated after he handed it to you.

The screen was cracked. After checking it you deemed it was no longer useful. " Guess you have to get yourself a new one." He said patting your shoulder. 

"Can I borrow your phone? I need to inform Aki that I won't be able to go back to the dorm tonight."

The agency lost a few capable people and they need help in repairing the laboratory so you volunteered. 

"Sure. Here. Just make sure to put your name. Suneater will be surprised if I suddenly call him Aki or whatever your endearment stuff." Hawk intentionally made his voice high-pitch when he said 'Aki' making you scoff. 

"I don't sound like that..."

"You do."

"Do not."

"You do, Kid. My imitation is perfect. That sounds just like you."

"Do not."

On the other side, Men wearing a uniform and holding repairing materials trudge into the lab to do their work.

They saw the 2nd ranked pro-hero bickering with a female who had her chin up, defiant leaking out of her every pore.

Not wanting to disturb them, they worked quietly in the corner, thinking their argument was probably serious.


You slumped on the couch, feeling beat and exhausted. The tedious work stretched longer than you expected. The laboratory was good as new. Hawk ordered another set of equipment and it will be delivered after a few hours.

After calling Tamaki--instead of texting him-- you immediately went to help. You interacted with them and did your best to be of use since you can't do much. You don't have enough experience so you could only do subtle things. 

Still. The work lasted till morning! You haven't slept a wink.

Once it was okay to resume the experimentation, Hawk, you and the others started making the reversal potion. Good thing the cabinet where the Quirk enhancer was stored, were able to hold out against the explosion. 

You lazily opened one of your eyes and looked at the unfinished reversal potion on top of the counter. Bubbles float and pop once it reaches the surface. Now, you only need to wait for three hours for the grains to be completely dissolved and mixed along with the other chemicals. Then another 2 hours to cool it down.

"Hm..." You yawned, feeling your eyelids heavy. Slowly your vision turned dark as you let yourself surrender. Not a moment later, you finally fell asleep. 

Hawk had his phone on his ear as he walked into his office. "She's in the office... Of course..." His eyes fell on your sleeping figure. He contemplated whether he'd wake you up or not. 


You didn't stir awake. He called you again twice but still, you laid there, unmoving. 

"She's fast asleep. Wait a mome-- are you sure? She might get angry at you... Okay... I see...Later then. 

Hawk surmised you're tired. He ended the call and plopped himself on his chair, pushing the ground with his extend leg to force the chair to spin. He was facing the window, where he could see the houses and buildings.

The operation had started. It was Suneater who called him, hoping to talk with you for a bit and inform you that today's the day they'll be raiding the Yakuza's.

He yawned, putting his arms behind his head and leaned. His heart thumped anxiously. In case the situation gets out of hand, he should be ready to head out. He could not afford to sleep, not at this time.

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