🦋❀16❀🦋: End

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[July 26, 2020]



Grabbing his ankle, you're body flew also towards them. You then unclasped your hand at him, still flying, your tattoo glowed bright red. Blood forming into a dagger but the blood did not harden and slip through your finger. There was no more energy nor strength left for you to morph it.

"Get away from All Might!" Midoriya shouted. You saw Kurogiri use his quirk and Shigariki's hand that was aiming for All Might appeared in front of Midoriya. 

"Watch out!" The scene played in slow motion. You covered his body with yours as you felt Shigaraki's fingers touched you.

--- bang!

A gun was fired. A bullet hit Shigaraki's hand accurately.


--- bang!

--- bang!

Both of you fell on the ground. The reinforcement has arrived!

"Sorry, everyone. Sorry, we're late!"A cute voice was heard. It was the principal. Nezu. Sitting on Vladking's shoulder. Behind him was a dozen pro heroes. "I gathered all who were available."

" I, Tenya Iida, Class 1-A representative, have now returned!" Iida shouted. Everyone felt relieved seeing them.

"Split and protect the students!"

Shigaraki was shot on his arms and legs, immediately Kurogiri swallowed him with his quirk.

Thirteen used his black hole to attempt sucking the villains, since they're trying to escape.

"It's game over for now, but I will kill you next time! Symbol of Peace, All Might!"

With that, they vanished.

You stood up with your shaky legs. " Midoriya..."

"I wasn't able to do anything." He mumbled. You shook your head, in which you regretted quickly since it only made you feel dizzier. 

"That's not true."

"That's not true."

Both you and All Might said at the same time. "If it wasn't for those few seconds you bought me, I would have been killed." He said. " You saved me again."

"All Might..." His eyes welled up and you helped him stand up but his legs were broken, so he remained on the ground. 

All Might returned to his form. Midoriya's eyes widened and looked at you.

"No worries." The corner of your mouth quirked up and you gave a lopsided grin. " I know his secret. So you're his inheritor huh... No wonder your Quirk looks similar, though your body can't keep up with it yet."


In the end. Every villain-thugs was captured. Shigaraki and Kurogiri left them.

Kirishima runs up to check on Midoriya. The three of you panicked.

"k-k-kiri-shima, wai--t" Midoriya stuttered afraid, he'll see All Might's form.

A wall made of mud emerged from the ground and hindered Kirishima's vision. It was Cementoss

"Please gather in front of the gate. Leave the injured to us."He instructed the boy.

 "Roger that!"Kirishima grinned and ran away, calling the others.

"Thank you, you saved me, Cementoss." All Might sat on the ground. 

"No problem. I'm a fan of yours."

You mimicked All Might's position. The adrenaline rush fading. You can finally feel full force of the pain.

"Thank You, Young Kairi." 

"No problem. I'm a fan of yours too." You repeated Cementoss's line and grinned. You were relieved.


" Let's have the students return to their classroom for now. We won't be questioning them right away." A member of the police force, Naomasa said. Wearing his tan overcoat.

The students asked for Aizawa and Thirteen's condition. Thankfully, they were okay now. Aside from Thirteen's laceration from the back. She'll survive. Aizawa suffered fractures in both arms and facial. Fortunately, there's no serious brain damage. His eyes may suffer from the after-effects but he's stable.

"Ano... How about Midoriya? And Luna Senpai?" Ochaco asked.

"Midori...oh, he's doing well. Recovery girl's treatment was enough for him. And... Luna senpai? I don't know---"

"What about me?" You asked. You came back to the shipwreck zone earlier since you found out that your necklace had gone missing. Luckily you found it near on the wall where the Nomu had almost killed you. 


You were still in your dirty tank top and shorts. You were covered with your blood. You were a mess, and you were supposed to be crawling right now due to exhaustion but when you realize your necklace was missing, a surge of energy fueled your body. 

The necklace was customized and Tamaki's gift for you on your 2nd anniversary. It was pretty simple yet beautiful. The pendant was a cute butterfly with small gemstones attached to its wings. The butterfly was glued on the moon. It was really beautiful to look at. And if you look at it closely, you can see your initials and Tamaki's.

There was no way you'd let it disappear! It's your treasure.

"We saw what happened. You were so cool out there!" Sato beamed, they saw what happened since they were at the entrance of the plaza while the others were separated.

You smiled, a little embarrassed. Cool? You were like a sandbag earlier. A toy in front of the Nomu. You didn't do much.

" Aah! Thank you for saving us senpai!" Mineta cried as he rushed on you and hugged your waist. Although he did it to feel your body, he was grateful too.

"Thank you. Luna senpai." Asui said you hugged her also. You were about to say something when your vision blackened. 



The first years experienced a fight so soon. They were unprepared but they risked their lives. Survived and learned what the world of adults truly is.

It was a coincidence that you went to visit Thirteen. But you were glad you did.

You stared dejectedly up at the ceiling. There was a window giving you a view of the world below. A TV hangs from the ceiling. You finally understand why people bring flowers to hospital rooms. The rooms are devoid of beauty. Walls were painted white, almost looking cream.
Hand sanitizer on the small drawer beside your bed. 

 The smell of disinfectant clogged your nose. And your nose twitched. It has been a few hours since you woke up. Your mind drifts back to your family and to your boyfriend.

The news must have reached the citizens outside the school premises. You told them, the police and the pros not to tell that you were involved in the invasion. But you saw some reporters when the police were checking up on everyone. It was a futile attempt.

You lay there quietly. You were the only one in the room. You closed your eyes, matching your breathing to the beeping of the machines that surrounded your bed. 

Let's see...How will I face Tamaki?


║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now