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Date Published: Sept 29, 2020
Word Count: 1.6k+
Note: So I made this in a rush, so I apologize in advance. 


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You pulled your hoodie further down to cover half of your face, to avoid meeting anyone's gaze as you walked closer to the huge building. Although you've been gone for weeks in the model industry, some of the passersby could still recognize your face. 

Anyway, you don't care that much. What you care right now, at this moment, is to see Tamaki! 

You happily hummed, almost skipping as you got nearer to the entrance of his agency. You did not tell him you'd visit him today. It wasn't in your plan either. You are supposed to go to U.A today but there are some changes, so instead of wasting your time, you decided to take this chance and visit Tamaki.

You've never once set foot inside his agency so you are excited to enter. 

The door slid open and you stepped inside the building. Your eyes wandering around the lobby area, searching for a male with Indigo hair. When you failed to spot him, you jutted your lips, thinking he hasn't arrived yet.

Your eyes zeroed on a particular spot. You recognize the couch. Whenever you have a video call with him, you'd always see the same background and the leather couch. It was Tamaki's favorite spot whenever he wanted to rest. He can see the whole area easily, in case something is amiss, he could detect it immediately.

"Excuse me, miss?" A hoarse voice rang behind you, making you look up while you settled on a couch. Your hand that was feeling the texture of the couch, went up to your face to tuck the stray hair as you stood up and you quickly remove your hoodie. "Hai?" 

 Your cheeks were flushed due to the heat outside and your lovely face greeted his sight. 

The man before you cleared his throat. Noticing that he had been spacing out, staring at you weirdly. "A-are you looking for someone? Maybe I could help you."

You beamed, clasping your hands together. " That would be great sir. I'm looking for Tamaki Amajiki, he's known as Suneate--"

You snapped your head towards the entrance when you caught sight of Fatgum's big form in your peripheral vision. Beside him was Tamaki, looking up at the pro-hero, his mouth moving as they exchanged words.

"Oh. Nevermind, he's here. Thank you for asking though." You politely said, bowing at him before you run towards your boyfriend.

"Anytime now, this week, we'll receive a call so you bette--" Fatgum craned his neck to look ahead of him, stopping his sentence mid-air as he saw a female dashing to their direction.

Tamaki followed his line of vision and saw you. His eyes widened as you got nearer. "B-bunny what a-are you do-doing here?"

You stopped before the two of them. You smiled at him before greeting the pro hero. " Nice to meet you, Mr. Fatgum. I'm Luna [Last name], my hero name is Nereid and I work alongside Hawk." You bowed.

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