
6.6K 228 48

Date published: Sept 25, 2020
Word count: 2k+

Note: Warning, heavy smut! Lol, we all know it's bound to happen anyway. 

Note: Took me 3 hrs to write this chapter, hope it's bearable. Lmao. I haven't proofread this so sorry in advance. I just want to publish it as soon as I can.

Note: The book is almost reaching 10k! Thank you so much for supporting this book! 😭
Btw, I read all your comments and I love reading them, it always makes me happy and inspired me to write another chapter. ❤️

" You know... There's another way to efficiently utilize our time.."


"B-bunny, I don't think this is a good idea..." Tamaki tried to persuade you, as much as he wants to do something with you, he wants you to be in your best shape when you go back to the agency, especially that you won't be able to rest like usual.

"Hm? What? I just want to cuddle with you..." You feigned innocence, kneeling on the bed as you pulled him. The bed creaked and the mattress sink under your weight. He turned crimson at your answer, scolding himself for misinterpreting your actions. He can't help but think lewd thoughts anyway, it's been a long time since he last felt your skin on him intimately.

You pulled down the comforter over the two of you and you snuggled on his chest. "Why are you red Aki? Were you thinking of something else?"

He placed his hand on your waist and pulled you closer to him. "I-i wasn't thinking a-about anything e-else."

You hummed and looked at him, your face only a few cms away. You intentionally stared at his lips longer than necessary and you saw his adam apple bobbing. "Really?"


"That's too bad, cause I was thinking of..." You traced his soft lips and leaned closer, your lips brushing his, enough to tease him. "Kissing you." You finished and press your head again on his chest. Tamaki failed to notice your smirk.

"But since that is not what you're thinking... Then I'll settle for this." You tightened your arms around him, rubbing your nose on his chest. It has been a while since you were able to cuddle.

"I miss your smell." You mumbled. Completely engrossed with sniffing him. You didn't notice how his eyes glinted and his hand moving lower. Down to your butt.

Your eyes widen and you gasp when he suddenly grabs your buttcheek and squeezed on it. You lifted your head to scold him from surprising you, yet when you did so, you were greeted with his lips on you. He was quite rough as he moved his lips against yours.

His aggressive and needy kisses had you gasping. You squirmed and lightly pushed him away to breathe. He pulled back, panting as he gazes at you intently. He still had his other hand on your butt, making you feel embarrassed. You were about to reach out for his hand when he quickly pushed you down and hovered over you.

His body heating up as he lustfully stared at you underneath him.

"I miss you." He said. Your wide eyes and parted lips that looked undeniably cute at the moment fueled his desire. You mostly initiate things like this, but this time, he'll do it first. You're the one who told him to always be straightforward, especially when it comes to his feeling. "And... I miss d-doing this with you.."

He dived down to your parted lips that were too tempting and inviting. You smiled between his kisses, wrapping your arms around his neck, and kissing back fervently. Tamaki only pulled back from ravishing your lips when he grew uncomfortable with the thick fabric on him.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now