🦋❀25❀🦋: Investigation (2)

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Date published: Aug 25, 2020
Word COunt: 1.3k

Note: Luna Kairi, kairi was actually the last name, however, I changed it into [Last name} your last name. Anyway, I'm too lazy to edit some sentences. :) So imagine it as Luna [Last name]

The guy walked near you and held out his hand. He smiled at you, "Hi, I'm Tetsuro Kuroo. Nice to meet you, beautiful."


You stared at his towering figure before you shake your hands

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You stared at his towering figure before you shake your hands. " Thank you for your compliment. I'm Luna Kairi." You said, trying to sound professional.

He tilted his head as if he's thinking of something, you tucked your hand in the pocket of your dress when you heard him say, " Moon and Sea."

"Yes?" You asked.

"Your name. I believe it means Moon and Sea." 

"Oh. I guess." 

Hawk took this chance to interfere, " Alright now we're set. Let's go and start!"

You silently followed Hawk, walking beside him, few steps behind while Kuroo followed your pace. His long legs stretching and covering more distance than your legs could although you're quite tall yourself.

Hawk stopped in front of a black car. He turned around with a smirk, at the same time a sound came off from the car. 'A car? when did he get one?'

As if knowing your thoughts, he said, " Proud?"

You rolled your eyes playfully, " No comment." 

He invited the two of you to get inside. You sat at the back, occupying the space for yourself. 

"So what's your Quirk, Luna?" 

You drifted your gaze away from the scenery when you heard him asked, he was sitting on the passenger, his head slightly inclined to know that he was waiting for your reply. 

"Uh...Blood weaver, Scale Armored Skin, and Siren's Lure." You answered, letting the succubus part out of the context. 

"Wow, three quirks?! That's a lot. What does it do?" 

By now, he had fully turned his body to face you. He looked like a child asking questions for the first time. At that moment, the two of you converse. 

"Blood weaver lets me manipulate my blood and form it into anything I want. Scale Armored Skin, from its name, lets me cover my skin with scales, I can use it for defense, and lastly, Siren's Lure, I can hypnotize a person and affect their emotions through my voice. " You explained shortly. Not wanting to add more details, just enough for him to get a gist of how your Quirk works.

"I got three yet I also have lots of drawbacks. Not good if you ask me." You muttered.

"So an offensive, defensive and you even have a support type of Quirk. Those are emitter quirks..."

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now