
2.9K 84 1

Date Published: Oct 29, 2020 [12AM]
Word Count:1.1k+
Note: Another boring and unedited chapter. 


"Where are you?! Show yourself, woman." 

Hiding behind a pillar, you covered your mouth with the back of your hand, toning down your heavy breathing. 

"You want to play? Alright. Let's play."

You could hear his footsteps near you.  Your hands were shaking at the exhaustion and maintaining your Katana and dagger has taken a toll on your body. But you could not afford to deactivate your Quirk. 

How did it come to this?

10 minutes ago, after slaying the alien-like villain, you dashed towards the field. Where you think the person who screamed was at. Different scenarios played on your mind as you desperately searched, hoping you're not too late.

But when you arrived. You didn't expect the gruesome scene unfolds in front of you. 

There, on the open field, laid countless bodies. Unmoving. You could not tell if they're dead, but they were all badly beaten. And possibly, dead. 

Your eyes scanned the surrounding. 

In the middle of this massacre stood one man. His body is like All Might's muscular physique. His hands were coated with red liquid, as though he had dipped his hands in a bucket filled with red paint. It was blood. 

Then, another man appeared. He's a lot skinnier than the first one. You could not hear what they were talking about since you're far from them. However, it looks like it wasn't pleasant and the muscular man's face darkened, not liking what he was hearing.

All of a sudden, he grabbed the skinny man's head with his large hand, and with a twist of his hand, you heard a crack. 

A gasp left your mouth. He killed his comrade?! 

The sound you made, alerted the muscular man and he immediately spotted you. That's when you run away. 

You don't know his Quirk, but seeing how he was able to kill the man with one hand, his raw strength is something you should avoid. Especially with those bulging muscles of his.

"Come out little girl!"

You bit your lips as you steadied your breathing. You should stay calm and think about your next move. 'where should I start?'

It would be better to test the water, but you're in no condition to waste your limited energy. 


The top of the pillar exploded into bits. Making you duck your head and roll over the side. 

"Heh. There you are."

He raised his fist and banged it to the wall. You scrambled on your feet and deflected the incoming bricks with your katana.

His strength... Is also like All mights! 

This time, he did a downward punch rather than a straight line, his speed was also fast. Thankfully you reacted fast and took his blow by activating your scale armor on your arm.

The force made you slid backward. His face contorted into a look of surprise.

"Ah, this is great! You can be my punching bag! You see, those bastards couldn't even stand one of my punches, pathetic rats." He spat, smiling at you wickedly as he clenched and unclenched his hand. " But you can. So do your best to lasts. Yeah?"

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