🦋❀6❀🦋: Bug Repellent

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This is a draft chapter.   [July 17, 2020]


"Tamaki," Mirio called out after shoving the last piece of pancake in his mouth

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"Tamaki," Mirio called out after shoving the last piece of pancake in his mouth. 

Tamaki shot him a sideways glance, " Hm?"

"I've been thinking... Are there mosquitoes in your room?" He asked as he stood up and placed the plate on the sink.  Grabbing a sponge, he began washing the plate, fork, and the mug he used.

Tamaki shortly replied to a "No." and drank his coffee.

"Mosquito? What's with the random question, Mirio?" Nejire asked the blonde boy. 

Mirio looked over his shoulder and said, " Tamaki kept on getting bitten by mosquitoes. I usually noticed a bright red spot on his neck sometimes, so I asked."

Mirio wiped his hand with a towel before pointing at Tamaki's neck. Tamaki was left confused. As far as he knows, his room was mosquito-free...

"Where, where, where?" Nejire asked and leaned closer. True enough, it was there. Recognizing the 'bite' Nejire laughed out loud.

Tamaki remembered what you and him did in his room. 

"I have a mosquito repellent in my room. Its still new, you can borrow it later." Mirio offered, ignoring Nejire's laughter.

"Its not a mosquito that bit him, Mirio. Rather, something... Big." Nejire teased. Her cheeks flushed as she stopped herself from giggling.

Tamaki remained quiet and only responded with a red face. 

"Big? Oh no! This is bad." He shook Tamaki's shoulder, "Tell me Tamaki. What bit you? So we could choose the right bug repellent. Let's buy later."

Nejire burst out laughing at his innocent question. Whilst Tamaki blushed and waved his hand dismissively. Telling his best friend that it was nothing.

"Mi-Mirio I don't think Tamaki wants the bug to stay away from him." She snorted. Her eyes glistened with tears. Finding the situation funny.

Mirio knew that both of you are in a relationship but he only thinks that the most intimate that the two of you could get was a peck on the lips, holding hands, and embracing. That's all. 

Both of you look innocent and would probably blush and get nervous if both of you go further than that... 

Poor innocent Mirio. If only you knew...

"Ah, I should tell Luna about it." The blonde voiced out his thoughts. Tamaki stood up in a flash, place his place on the sink, and washed it.

"I-its fine, don't f-fuss over it anymore." He muttered. Face still heating up.

"Yep. Forget about it Mirio. " Nejire seconded, patting Tamaki's back.

However, Mirio wasn't listening anymore. He began planning on what to buy later.  After a few minutes, Mirio saw Tamaki getting ready to leave. 

"I'll help you buy the bug repellent." He grinned. Tamaki only sighed and shook his head. 

"I-im off.

"Tamaki, wait up!"



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