
4.2K 125 35

Date Published: Oct 13, 2020 
Word Count: 1.1k+
Note: Happy 20k reads!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe this! Than you so much guys. Btw, I've read all your comments and it makes me very happy!

Note: This book is nearing its end. I was planning on having 50 chapters only but I still want to drag this a little bit longer so maybe 10 more chapters or 20 hehe.


Few days later...

Tamaki and the others were discharged from the hospital. Though Mirio had to stay longer since they have to monitor him. He lost his Quirk after all. You can't imagine what he's been through and how emotionally wreck he is. 

Nighteye died and he lost his Quirk. Still, Mirio kept on smiling. He doesn't want everyone else to worry. Because according to him, everything will be okay.

"Are you sure you're okay?" You asked once again. Tamaki was busy munching his food in front of you. The two of you decided to stop by a restaurant to eat your lunch before going back to the dorm.

"Y-yes. Recovery girl checked on us one last time yesterday night."

"Oh. Okay..."

You weren't able to visit him yesterday since you still have to do your part in the laboratory. The gashes and wounds on his face were gone. He looked like he hadn't received blows from the villains. He looked perfectly normal and you knew he was telling the truth.

 However, apart of you wanted to be sure. You haven't seen if the wounds were properly healed under his clothes. You know all the wounds and it's location are. At the moment, you can only see his bare face.

"Do you want s-some?" Tamaki offered you his drink. He noticed you've been staring at him for a while. He thought you want one. But you shook your head. "Nah. I want something else to drink." You smiled innocently while hinting something else.

Tamaki drank his juice and didn't say anything while he directed his eyes out of the window, pretending he did not hear you. A faint blush on his cheeks tells you otherwise. You rolled your eyes playfully and didn't tease him further.

Looking back at his neck, which looked extremely sexy, you bit your bread hard. You opted on watching him eat the whole time, much to Tamaki's embarrassment.

Half an hour later, you two strolled in the bustling street. It was too early to go back to the dorm.

"Tamaki! look!" You pointed at the huge screen on top of a building. An island was being shown. You read the words and your face lit up.

"I heard it's called Heart Island because the Island is shaped like a heart. It's famous for its beautiful scenery, crystal-clear water, good food, and even the cottages are pretty. There's even a hot spring!" You beamed.

 You were engrossed in your own world and kept rambling about the things you want to experience on the Island. You didn't notice a post in front of you.

Good thing, Tamaki was quick enough to pull you on his chest by wrapping his arms around your waist. You bumped your head on his chest. Your "ow" were muffled.


You tilted your head and grinned at him. "Thanks."

Tamaki didn't pull away. His arm so you ended up touching his side while walking. Though you don't mind at all.

"Let's there someday, Aki!" You said.

"Okay..."His eyes lingered on the screen as you cheerfully pulled him to the other side of the street. 

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now