🦋❀31❀🦋: Investigation (8)

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Date published: Sept 9, 2020
Word Count: 1.1k

Note: Happy 4k reads!!! Thank you so much for supporting this book! I'll be updating 2 chapters today.


"Of course," Hawk answered you as he gave the enemy a roundhouse kick.

Hawk's response was like a gunshot. By the time his last word escaped from his mouth, the enemies charged with a mighty cry, startling you. You run to the opposite side, wanting to lure out even half of the enemies from your side to not overwhelm Hawk.

You held the knife on your hand as you charged towards them, littering their skin with gashes as you run passed them with incredible speed. One by one, they fell on the floor behind you, bleeding and unconscious. 

Tetsurou: Luna! there are 10 more coming your way at 2 o'clock! They're carrying guns!

The smoke was hindering you from seeing the reinforcement.

You leaped and tackled one guy, both of you landed on the ground, by the time your his body hits the ground, you had slit his throat and change both your positions. Pain shot through your back. Your hand gripped his body and pulled him on the right, just in time gunshots rang in the air. 

You felt the guy being hit multiple times, his body recoiling back at you. You rolled your body away from him after, disregarding your human shield.

Your body merges in the dark smoke. Immediately, you created a whip by envisioning the whip you teased Tamaki with. This was your first time making it, thus it took you a while. You then tied the knife at the end of your whip.

It would have been easy to take them out if you kill them, however killing them won't do any good, besides you're a hero. As long as you can help it, you won't kill a villain, rather, you'll capture them alive or unconscious. 

Without waiting for them to find you, you crawled towards a counter. And positioned into one bent knee and began twirling your whip in a circular motion 20 inches above your head. The motion made a sound as the smoke around your followed your knife's movement.

Due to the sound, some bullets shot towards your direction, few were able to hit you, fortunately all of them were on your right side, thus you were unharmed as the bullets only graze your scale armor.

Tetsurou: 10 o'clock, Luna.

Tetsurou was sweating bullets as his eyes frantically scanned the screen in front of him. He was only using two tablets that were connected to the cameras installed in the underground. 

This was his first time seeing a live raid, let alone fighting and killing. He couldn't help but feel fear for the two of you. This wasn't a game, you and Hawk's life was in danger and any small mistakes on his part can greatly affect your safety and Hawk's safety.

"Relax, we're not dead yet." You said, noticing his anxious tone over the earpiece.

So far, the ones that were after you don't have any Quirks. Though you can't be sure to the pro hero's side.

 It seems like these goons were just their underlings base on their combat skills. 

The knife flashed as you swung it faster, it hummed a low, swift tune when you forcefully pulled the whip and aimed it up ahead and you changed its direction by controlling your whip's movement, does the knife shot forward and then bent on the left.




"Bullets can only go in straight lines and kill one at a time." You mumbled as you dashed forward, finishing off the others.

On the other side, Hawk, six pairs of rough hands tried to seize him. Hawk decided to limit his usage of his Quirk since it's better to be prepared for the worst. On his hand was also a knife, the same one you used.

He evaded a punch and extended his right leg out, in a semi-circle motion, tripping all of them. His combat ability was far superior to them thus in no time, he was able to knock them out. However, before he could come to aid your side, someone makes an appearance.

He clearly recognized his bloody face. He was the one who alerted the others about his presence. The one with an X-ray Quirk, yet Hawk could not understand why he was still standing. Looking normal, except for the blood on his face.

He was the first one he knocked out using his knife, he shouldn't be up for about a day at most.

"You're one strong foe." Hawk commented. The enemy dashed at his direction, Hawk's eyes widened as he barely dodged him.

In a blink of an eye, he arrived before him?!

His movements changed. He was faster compared to the way he maneuvered earlier!

Hawk ducked when his arm shot right through him at an unbelievable speed, although he expected the enemy's next move, he was still stunned at the sudden changes--

The enemy's other fist hit the side of his face, although it grazes him only, the impact was powerful. Hawk stumbled and distanced himself.

Hawk's tongue was soaked in the taste of blood. 

The man charged again, with the use of his wings, Hawk was able to deflect his attack and his fist landed on the wall. He whistled when his the wall crumbled apart, leaving a huge hole. His strength was almost like All Might's!

Hawk was utterly confused, it's as though the one in front of him wasn't the man he dealt with earlier. Did he do something?

If his punch earlier hit his face, then he would have been defeated. Worst, dead. Hawk chuckled, finding the situation entertaining.

Hawk bent down and tackled the man, he grabbed his foot and pulled him to the ground. He launched a punch to his face, snapping his nose in a gruesome way. The man groaned and was about to defend himself when a knife went flying and hit his neck.

The enemy's eyes widened before his body stiffened. Hawk looked at you from the other side. You were standing on top of the counter you hid earlier. The whip on your hand softened and returned back to its normal viscosity. Your blood splashed on the marbled floor.

Hawk stood up, wiping the blood on the side of his mouth. He winced feeling the bruise of his jaw. 

"They're all asleep." You informed and jumped down, showing vials on your hand. There was a label plastered on it. You throw the vial and Hawk caught it with ease.

"13?" He questioned and examined the vial. On the bottom was a familiar small particle waiting to get dissolved.

"I think they mixed those white grains in it. This is probably the experiment they were conducting that enhances quirks. I also saw your opponent injecting himself with one of these vials earlier but I was too preoccupied at the moment so I wasn't able to stop him."

"Good job kid." He patted your hair. "You looked like a mess." He added.

"Likewise." You remarked.

Everyone was down. The smokes were disappearing and with the help of Hawk's wings, the room was finally clear with smokes.

"You okay there?" You asked Tetsurou who let out a relief sighed.

Tetsurou: I think I lost ten years of my life within one day.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now