🦋❀34❀🦋: Inhibitions and Confusion (3)

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Date Published: Sept 12, 2020
Word Count: 1.3k+



You turned around and raise your brow at Nejire. She was pulling both boys while she was situated in between them. She had a huge smile on her face, almost on par with All Might's.

"Come on, let's go to the mall!"

"Eh? But I want to go back to the dorm." You replied. Honestly, you were tired of the activity earlier.

You were also bombarded with questions from your classmate about your modeling and Tetsurou. Though most of them were about Tetsurou.

"How is he like in person?"

"Do you have his autograph?"

"Is he kind like how the media says?"

"He's so hot! You're so lucky!"

"Do you have his number?!"

"Can I have it? Please!"

You have his autograph. You didn't ask for it though, he was the one who signed your phone case. Yes, your phone case! He even joked that you'd miss him so he borrowed--snatched-- your phone and took lots of pictures of himself. "In case you miss me, you can stare at my pictures. Or better, let's call each other."

Your only response was a whack on his head. You won the bet, you were unscathed after the raid thanks to your scale armor. And you did punch him. Though it was only on his arm since his manager might get angry at you. Even so, your punch left a big bruise. Good for him.

You lied to your classmate that you don't have his phone number. It's not appropriate to share his phone number without his permission.

"Please! Please! Please!"Nejire let go of their wrist and clung to you like a monkey. "Lunaaaa!"

"Why?" You asked as you pulled her cheeks. Her royal blue eyes peered at you.

"Becosh theresh a mini conshert layterrr"

You let go of her cheeks and she rubbed her red cheeks with her hands. "Concert? Who?"You asked, crossing your arms.

"It's not really a concert. More like there's a band that will perform later." Mirio answered.

"Kay." You shrugged. "But I won't stay long, I have to go back to the agency. "

"Yey! Lez go!"

The ride to the mall was awkward, for you at least. Nejire and Mirio kept on talking and occasionally would ask for your opinion or Tamaki's.

You followed behind the three of them. You don't want to stand beside Tamaki, he might distance himself again and you don't want that so you took it upon yourself to do it instead.

You were oblivious to the glances you've received the moment you entered the mall. Some of them recognize you.

The various clothes you modeled along with Tetsurou after all were beautiful, stylish, and unique. All were sold within 2 days. (You're not aware of that)

You were busy feeling the cool air inside the mall and playing games on your phone. You were close to beating your high score when you didn't realize that the three had stopped walking and you bumped your head unto someone's back.

That someone, was Tamaki. His scent was invading your nose and mind.

"Sorry." You meekly apologized and quickly walked the other way around and stand beside Nejire.

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