
4.1K 114 14

Date Published: Oct 2, 2020
Word Count: 1.8k+
Note: Happy reading. Stay safe guys!


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Beads of sweat dripped down from your face as though you've been running for hours nonstop. You couldn't wait for the elevator to arrive so you jumped towards the spiral staircase. Legs stretching as far as you can to make it to the top as soon as possible.

You woke up after being shaken aggressively by Hawk. You had a dream-- more like a nightmare. 

In your dream, Tamaki was surrounded by three men, their faces were blurry so does their Quirk. But you perfectly saw Tamaki fighting against them.

He was injured and had one of his eyes were closed, blood covering the side of his face. You called out his name over and over but he can't hear you. When you tried reaching out for him, the scene changed and you found yourself inside a room.

The sudden changes in the scene didn't give you time to analyze what's happening. The only thing's on your mind was Tamaki's injuries and he's facing three villains, outnumbering him.

You lifted your head just to see another clash happening.

There are four people fighting against each other. You recognized the two, Fat Gum and the red-haired boy in class A-1. They were heavily injured and it looks like Kirishima could no longer go on.

You couldn't hear them. Everything was silent. It's like watching a movie but the TV volume was mute. It was futile to call them. 

And then before you could take a step. the room was distorted as though space itself was being sucked out by an unknown force. 

The ground shook and crumbled before you. And you fell, darkness surrounding you. You involuntarily shut your eyes when the sun's piercing sunlight poke a hole in the darkness. It gradually became larger, enabling you to see rows of one-storey houses.

"Deku!" Ochaco walked passed your figure that was slumped on the ground. Her body passing through you. You accepted the fact that they can't hear and see you, nor were they able to touch you.

Her desperate cries rang out in the entire neighborhood. You looked up just in time to see someone falling from the sky. 

 A couple of Pro-hero leaped towards where Midoriya was falling.

You unsteadily stood up. The sudden noise almost made you dizzy. You spun around and saw a huge hole up ahead. 

"Chisaki's getting away!"

"He's got Eri!"

"Stop them!"

Everything happened so fast. The situation was sped up. Up ahead, Midoriya was half-unconscious while Ochaco was cradling him. Two of his arms were broken.

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now