🦋❀After story #1❀🦋

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Date Published: Dec 2, 2020
Word Count:1.7k+
Note: Hiii I'm back? Anyway, this is just a short random chappie I wrote today just to keep me distracted. It's been a while since I last updated any of my books and I'm practicing how to write again, lol. 

This chapter doesn't have a specific 'idea' so yeah, just random stuff.


You're not drunk-- not that drunk.

Actually, you're sober than anyone else right now in the party. 

It's been 8 hours since Hawk's birthday celebration started. You were surprised he still manage to spare his almost nonexistent free time to throw a party when in fact he should be in his office, finishing his untouched documents and review files.

You sighed and swept your gaze at the dance floor. The cocktail lounge Hawks rented was crowded. 

Everyone had a carefree smile on their flushed faces as they converse and dance. Except you. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing, I'm just worried." You answered and tilted your head to face your fiance.


"They're all drunk. As pro-heroes, we should be vigilant always but look at them getting wasted and-- hey, stop drinking already." You snatched the glass from his hand, it was filled with alcohol and he's in no condition to continue or else he might end up passing out again.

Tamaki couldn't handle alcohol too well, if he gets too drunk, he'll pass out. You don't want to carry him all the way back home again. Once is enough, it was a struggle on your part since he's heavier than you and you're wearing heels!


" No more, okay?" You said, narrowing your eyes to make it look like you're getting angry. He immediately nodded at you, not wanting to annoy you further.  "Okay, sorry..." 

"It's fine."

He knew why you don't want him to drink anymore. He was really embarrassed the first time he drank too much and pass out during last month's event.  You had to carry him and he's not light at all! 

It should have been the other way round. Unfortunately, your alcohol tolerance is much higher than his. When he woke up, he was too embarrassed to face you. You had to assure him you're not angry or whatevah. He promised to be careful next time but here he is, forgetting about his promise. 

"Here." You instead gave him water. Looking at Tamaki, you can tell he's at his limit. You can tell he's uncomfortable and wanted to go home. But he remained quiet. He doesn't like crowded and noisy places but he still accompanied you, which you appreciated very much. 

Today is his 'rest day', he should be chillin' and sleeping in the house both of you shared. 

"Let's go home?" You asked him after a while, both of you, along with Fat Gum and other pro-heroes and other people you're not close with are sitting on a high-stool, facing a bartender serving several drinks and performing some awesome tricks behind the counter.

" Do you want to go home now?" He asked you back. You nodded, Hawks wouldn't mind if the two of you went ahead since you've stayed for hours already. Besides, he's busy entertaining the others too.

Tamaki smiled softly and was about to stand up when they heard a familiar loud voice amidst the blaring music.

"Alright guys! before this day ends, we're going to have a little activity!"  

The birthday boy was holding his microphone upside down as he stood in the middle of the crowd. His huge wings twitching as he excitedly spoke. 

'He's drunk.'

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now