
6.4K 164 62

Date Published: Sept 21, 2020
Word Count: 1.6k+
Note: Everything's back to normal, now I can write mushymushy stuffy again. kekeke
Note: Starting this chapter the format of the chapter's title will be like that ^^^ for the fact that I'm too lazy.
Note: I'll be dropping this before I'll take my exam. Gl to me.

"Butterflies can't see their wings, they can't see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can."-Unknown


"I'm the best b-boyfriend." He said, face heating up. 

You giggled, he looked so done with you.

He knew you were teasing him now. Your eyes are now bright and full of life, opposite to what he had seen. 

 "Stop teasing me. "He reached out for you and pulled you into a hug. A hug of longing. You both missed each other. He misses you so much but he let his own insecurities won the battle instead, now he's regretting all the things he had done to you.

He can never take those words back. "I'm sorry. K-know that I didn't mean all those hurtful words I've said to you. "

You hummed as a response, softly patting his back. 

Tamaki's a flawed perfection. He's imperfectly perfect. 

You've seen beautiful scenery, beautiful things, but nothing compares to him. His whole being screams radiance and softness. He's a rare gem. A rare gem that you will never let go of. He'll make mistakes because he's not perfect, you ain't perfect either that's why we must learn how to forgive one another.

Tamaki felt blessed, even with all the pushing and words like a knife thrown at you, you still never left his side and kept on understanding him. He was an idiot for wanting to part with you.

"I've forgiven you Aki. I know it wasn't an easy feat for you too, to push me away while struggling to tame your insecurities and low self-esteem. Though I'm really hurt since you've underestimated my feelings. I know we're still young, but I love you more than everything that I am.  So when you pushed me away, you don't know how broken I was."

"I'm sorry bunny. This won't happen again, I swear. "

A thought flashed in your mind and you pulled back away from him and smiled. " You know, you're like your favorite thing. A butterfly." You said and brushed his indigo locks.  "Butterflies can't see their wings, they can't see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. You don't know how beautiful you are Aki. You're turning a blind eye to it, but I can see it, and I'll show you and tell you every day. And whatever chaos that's in your heart, I'll fight with you and helped you get through it."

He stays silent, staring at you, his wide eyes becoming glossy with tears. "Y-you're too good to be true." He mumbled, covering his eyes with his hand, he was touched. Your words melted him. 

"Likewise, elf boi." You grinned and kissed his forehead before taking his hands. He immediately intertwined his fingers with yours. " Let's go back inside. Class is about to begin." You said and tugged him.

"Have you eaten yet?"

He nodded his head, " A little." 

"Then let's buy and eat again in the cafeteria."


Before your figure and his disappeared, your voice resounded, "Promise me that you'll be more open about your feelings."

"I promise."


Who would have thought that this happened because of Mei Hatsume? If it wasn't for her, trying to use her new baby, then this wouldn't have happened.

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