
6.3K 168 69

Date published: Sept 25, 2020
Word Count: 1.1k+
Note: Just a short chappie. Before we enter another short arc. Just a heads up guys, we're closing to the last arc, this book probably will have 70+ chapters only. Not sure. 


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"Aki, I'll visit you in your agency when I have free time." You said, turning to look back at him, your hand resting on the doorknob. 

Tamaki nodded, squeezing your other hand with his large ones. "Take c-care bunny."

"I will. You too." With one last glance, you left the dorm.

Cool air caressed your skin as you lazily sauntered outside. You took your time admiring the beautiful scenery in the sky. You love how the stars glimmered and twinkled, especially the moon. It illuminated and stood out it the dark, casting a soft silver hue.

The vibration in your phone lulled you out of your reverie. It was Hawk, asking where you are. You forgot that you had texted him before you took a bath that you'd be at the agency in an hour. But something came up and you spent another 2 hours less or more inside the room.

After that, you had to rest for a while since your region was sore and it stings when you move. You then took a bath again to scrub off your sweat.


"Finally, I thought you were kidnapped."

You snorted at him and plopped yourself on the couch. "That won't happen." You said, pulling the strap of your bag over your head and placed it next to you.

"Well, your last text was almost 3 hours ago. Don't tell me you stayed in your bathroom for two hours." He pointed. The agency isn't that far especially if you took a train. At most, you'll arrive after an hour.

"I could be." You shrugged, smiling at him.

He noticed your bright aura. A complete contrast to the gloomy one you had been exuding in the last couple of days in America. He was glad that you're okay now. The pro-hero may not show it but he was concerned at you. You've been working under him for two years, by now, he already knows you, enough to tell whether something's bugging in your mind.

"Alright, let's not dwell on it. Here's the report we got from America," he said, pulling out an envelope, tossing it at you like he was tossing a frisbee disc.

You caught it with ease and opened the envelope. Tons of pictures were inside it. 

"Those are the result and changes in the human body once the Quirk Enhancer is injected. Each ml injected has a different effect on the user's body. So far, with the help of Tetsurou's quirk, we were able to extract information directly from the people who worked in the factory. According to them, they haven't tried injecting themselves with more than 10ml." He explained as you skimmed through it.

Once you saw the last picture you glanced back at Hawk and said, " So, 1 ml could enhance their quirk for 10 minutes. 2ml for 20 minutes and so on, so each ml is equal t 10 minutes. And once you fed yourself with it, it will make you high. Just like taking drugs. This creation can be taken by mouth and nose or injecting it directly. You can just sprinkle it in your mouth or sniffed it through your nose the same as taking drugs..."

"Yes. Although it's a finished product, it only works for some. They are currently working on making another version of it for compatibility purposes." Hawk crossed his arms. His red wings spread widely behind him. "I have a hunch that we were too late when we invaded the factory and probably kilos of those white grains were already transported somewhere."

You nodded thoughtfully, maybe that was the case. Perhaps, both of you were too late in discovering it. 

"What we're going to do right now is to research how we could dissipate the liquid once they are already circulating in the system," Hawk said, walking towards the door.

The two of you are going to conduct your research and even experiment in a lab inside the agency that was located underground.

"...Okay." You stood up, following him. 

You halted your steps when he turned around to face you. "Hm?" You raise a brow.

He stroke his jaw, looking down at you intently. "Is there something you're not telling me? Where have you been earlier?"

"Dorm..." You trailed off, answering him like it was the most obvious thing. Where else could you be?

"Nothing bad happened to you?"


"So you're not hurt anywhere?"

You shook your head. "No. Why?"

He shrugged. "Nothing, you were walking funnily when you came in. I just thought you were injured."

You blinked. Processing his words. " Oh... I sprained my ankle on my way here. Nothing to fret about." You lied smoothly at your superior. 


Tamaki splashed some cold water on his red face. He still couldn't help but think about you even though you've been gone for an hour now. It was already midnight and he had to sleep. He got work and school tomorrow.

Yet here he was. Staring at his own reflection. He could hear your whimpers and moans no matter where he looked. 

That was the first time he had ever entered you. The red stain on your bedsheets earlier was the evidence that he took your innocence. He offered on changing your bedsheet while you took a bath. 

He didn't regret what happened. Not one bit and he was too happy he can't help the smile on his face and a blush adorning his cheeks. The two of you finally took the next step of your relationship. You're his first of everything and he's sure you'll be his last.

Tamaki wiped his face with a towel before walking back to his room and jumping on his bed. He covered his eyes with his arm. 

Your face flashed before his eyes. 

A tingling sensation on his palm as he recalled your soft skin. The way your warmth wrapped around him pleasantly had him wanting for more. It felt really good being around you and being inside you. 

There was no hesitation when he let himself be consumed with desire. You are his desire after all.

Tamaki groaned, feeling his blood rushed south. He rolled over his bed and covered his face with his pillow.

He couldn't shake you off his head. He doesn't want to. He was helplessly falling in the abyss called you and he doesn't want to get out of it. 

letting himself sink deeper. The deeper the better. 

You are his stable force, the one who would help him tame the chaos in his life. The one he desperately needs.

You're sinfully beguiling.

Sinfully beautiful.

 And you're his. 

Tamaki turned off his lights, covering the room in darkness as he snuggled himself underneath his comforter. He can't wait to see you again. 

 "Bunny, you're mine..."

║ 𝒩𝑒𝓇𝑒𝒾𝒹 ║𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓪𝓳𝓲𝓴𝓲 ( COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now