01- Seventh Year

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"Who do you think we're going to be stuck with for Defence Against the Dark Arts this year?"
Blaise asked while we made our way to the great hall for Dumbledore's annual start of term speech.

We'd come back for our seventh year at Hogwarts now, yesterday the sorting ceremony had taken place. It was just me and Blaise walking in, normally we'd have Draco on our side, but neither of us could find where he was so we decided to go in without him.

"What makes you think that's what he's going to announce?" I replied.

"What else is there to announce? It's all he's good for." Adrian replied speaking on his behalf.

I don't know where he came from, he moved past me and stood next to Blaise as we all carried on walking towards the hall, he was eating an apple and he shoved an arm around Blaise's shoulder. The taller boy, usually moody and stiff let out a snort in response.

"My bet's on Snape, everyone knows he's been after it for years." He continued on, swaggering around whilst obnoxiously chewing, he seemed far too relaxed, though I suppose, when you ruled the school you would be. 

Nobody ever dared to threaten Adrian or call him out on his bullshit. Maybe sometimes Potter and his friends did but they were hardly successful in stopping whatever he was going to do anyway. With wealth came popularity.

And we were all loaded.

The sound of yelling coming from behind us interrupted our conversation. We turned to see Draco yelling at Crabbe and Goyle.

This was hardly a surprise to anyone, Draco bullying his minions was a regular occurrence. He'd been doing it for seven years straight now. They were loyal, Crabbe and Goyle, I'd give them that. There was no way in hell I'd ever stick by Draco if he ever spoke to me like that. It was clear they had no respect for themselves, they never spoke out of turn, and we were in seventh year now.

"Bloody idiots" Draco muttered looking back giving them another glare.

"Do you ever stop bullying those poor fuckers?" I scoffed as he joined our side. I didn't particularly like either of the duo but they were harmless really.

"They deserve it, they're useless.'

We walked into the great hall to see it being lit by thousands of floating candles as it always did whenever we feasted. Being here for seven years we had established our seats at the Slytherin Table, we never sat elsewhere. Adrian had found his way to Theo, his best friend since they were toddlers I think, besides Theo sat Pansy Parkinson too, leaving just the three of us. I was glad he left, I preferred it when it was just us.

"Why were they useless this time?" Blaise asked.

"Well I asked Goyle if he could.."

He didn't get a chance to explain what he asked him because he was suddenly cut off by Dumbledore rising, signalling that he was to start his announcement. We all looked at him, the hall filling with silence as it usually did whenever he spoke. 

"I am pleased to announce that there will be a new Professor taking the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts this year."

There was chatter everywhere, mostly the younger years, everyone else knew that this was expected and seemed unfazed by his declaration. No Professor had ever managed to last more than a year.

 "I would like to welcome Professor R J Lupin."

A man who was sat besides Snape rose to his feet.

He wore brown robes, had brown hair, brown eyes too I think but I couldn't tell for sure, he was too far away. He looked young though, younger than any of our previous Defence Against the Dark Arts professors.

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