60- Pathetic

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I was at work, there was whispers and chatters everywhere, mostly every time I was around and I started to get anxious.
I quickly realised it was because there was a massive release, which obviously, as aurors was not something we liked. They were quiet around me because.. well.. it meant half of my family was getting released. More importantly, my father. Draco's father too actually.

I stayed quiet throughout the whole day which was odd because normally I'd be rather loud. Sirius noticed, he tried changing the subject but.. seeing my father.. watching him walk out back into the world.. it wasn't something that anyone could fix.

I wasn't scared of him anymore that much I was sure of. I didn't know what I felt anymore.

We walked out as the day was over, I stopped to a halt as I saw Remus' charming smile from across the Ministry. I mouthed a 'what are you doing here?' and he didn't bother responding to me because he was already walking over.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he finally faced me.

I greeted him with a quick hug and he reciprocated it, squeezing tightly and lifting me off the ground ever so slightly, making me laugh.

"I was supposed to see you at home. I was about to go to the shop to get your stupid marmalade." I joked and he rolled his eyes, smiling fondly.

"A little birdie told me you've been down all day."

"Sirius is going to get in trouble for sending owls at work. He needs to stop. Especially when it's not urgent."

"Well this was urgent."

"It really wasn't."

"Sad Leah means sad Moony. It was urgent."

"Don't start with the Leah thing too. It's bad enough Pads is going around calling me it, I don't need you to add to it."

"Well you call me Moony and you call Pads Pads, we need something to call you too. Only fair."

"By my name is fine."



"Yes. Bambi eyes so Bambi it is."

I ignored him and he smiled wide, pulling at my cheeks and I pushed his hands away again.

"Now come on let's go, the Ministry is not really my favourite place."

He held his hand out and I joined it, our fingers intertwining together as we walked. His thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand, and it did what he intended it to do, it relaxed me immediately.

"We need to go Christmas shopping."

"We'll go on the weekend." He promised and I nodded.

"What do you want? Watch? Cologne? Car?"

"Car? Bloody hell, what kind of Christmas is this? For the bloody Queen? I don't need anything."

"Oh come on. Just tell me. I'm bad with presents. It's just easier if you tell me what you want and I'll get it."

"A perfect Christmas for me will be me and you.. and that tosser if he wants too. It's not about presents, I couldn't give a toss about it."

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