44- Close Calls

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We had been sneaking around for weeks, I had been staying at Remus' house most nights and Sirius started to grow suspicious. To put a stop to his worries I lied and told him that me and Blaise were dating. It felt wrong on so many levels to even think about me and Blaise in that sense. He was like a brother. But me and Remus had agreed that it was better for us to keep it a secret, just until we had figured things out.

We were still getting used to being with each other, I was getting to know Remus, not Professor Lupin and well he was getting to know me.

It was different. It wasn't awkward like I had feared, we just seemed to flow easily, it was never weird, but it was different. Remus outside of Hogwarts was much more fun, much less soft and a whole lot more exciting.

"I'm so fucking tired." He mumbled as we rose from our peaceful slumber.

I rolled over, facing him and he closed his eyes again, his hair was falling into them and I gingerly moved the strands away from his face as he let out a small sigh.

"You know what I don't understand?"

He hummed in response and I smiled.

"You told me off every single time I swore and come to find out you curse like a bloody sailor."

He smiled lazily, still not opening his eyes and I traced a scar on his collarbone absentmindedly.

"Maybe I just liked telling you off."

"Now why would you like that?"

"Because you listened."

I scoffed and he grinned, slowly opening to his eyes to look at me. I looked over to look at the clock on his wall and lifted myself up a bit to get up. Before I could get out, his long arm flew out from under the cover to grab me, pulling me back down.


"Five minutes."

"Come on I need to go back and get ready, I've got a shoot in an hour."

"Who cares come on s'not like you need the money."

"Yeah, but I like doing it, I get bored all day."

"Hopefully not for too long, I think they're getting aurors back in."

"Well we'll have to see."

He hummed and I pressed a kiss to his chest before getting up completely and he groaned loudly rubbing his face.

"Who would've thought a great pureblood Avery would be working with muggles?"

I turned back to look at him, squinting my eyes playfully as he watched me, sitting up to support himself on his elbows.

"You don't need to remind me how far I've fallen."

He snorted and I pulled a face.
"There's nothing wrong with muggles." He stated simply.

"I know but they're just so slow."

"What do you mean they're slow?"

"Like everything they do is slower, it's infuriating, they have to do everything manually."

He laughed and I walked into his bathroom, coming out a few minutes later to see him in the same position.

"Any idea what's happening with Hogwarts?" I asked and he scratched the back of his head, yawning.

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