79- Complications

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After a while I sent him away, I couldn't help it, but the whole situation was starting to piss me off. Maybe I was just cranky from being locked up in a hospital for so long. Maybe it was because I was sick of being coddled and frustrated that I couldn't do anything myself because of how weak the meds were making me. Or maybe.. maybe it was because he was still married.

It was probably most likely that.

It was definitely that.

I was a lot of things, but I was not, and I would never be a side piece.

The kiss that had damaged his marriage to begin with was on him not on me, I hadn't kissed him that day, and I had been playing things right so far, I wasn't going to be the bad guy now.

Not that he would do anything anyway. It was all very innocent. Too innocent and too mature and far too stuffy and I.. I just needed a break.

I needed space or I needed to see fresh faces so Draco coming to visit me, made my day. To my surprise, he wasn't alone. Blaise was still in rehab, but he had brought Tara with him, between them both.. Blaise's daughter.

I gasped when I saw her, she was wearing an awfully fluffy jumper and Draco, Draco was holding her not Tara. I wish I had a camera with me. I would never let him live it down.

Draco Malfoy.

With a child on his hip.

Draco Malfoy.

I literally squealed with excitement, fighting the tubes attached to me making the two of them chuckle.

"Sit still." Tara scolded as she took the child off of Draco. She walked towards me with a grin so wide and I realised I had never seen her smile that much. 

"What's her name?" I muttered in awe as she finally sat at the foot of my bed. I still didn't even know her name.



My cheeks hurt from the stretch of how much I was smiling but I just couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked so much like Blaise it was crazy. Like if he was a girl, it would be her, and of course that was how genetics worked but I still couldn't grasp it. It was spooky.

A part of my mind comprehended that Tara and Draco were together and I chuckled, surprised that Tara hadn't quite literally murdered him.

Draco, who was stood near the door, rather stiffly and pompously, loosened up as he came closer towards us, instead he opted to sit on the chair in the corner, and though he was trying to fight it, the corners of his lips quirked up into a small smile.

"Surprised you didn't maim him on the way here Kahn." I joked, eyes flickering between the two of them. She laughed whilst he scowled.

"We have my stupid brother to thank for all of this." She said smiling fondly, cooing at Jasmine, Merlin it felt weird to call her a name, for Blaise to have a real life breathing daughter, with a name and a face and.. Merlin.

"Where is Yasin?" I asked.

"He's home, he sent his regards of course, but he's the one who's.. the Minister he didn't even have to plead the case he just asked him and he said yes."

I smiled.

No one needed to know.
No one other than Theo and I.

I didn't want the credit. I didn't care for it.
All that mattered was Blaise.

It wasn't Yasin who got through to the Minister. It was me being sent on that god forsaken mission to begin with, when I bargained with him. But I would much rather have Yasin take the credit for it. Blaise would be livid had he known what I had done behind his back.

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