11- Bad Influence

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We sat in Defence Against the Dark Arts as Lupin explained how we needed to go through the things we had learnt in previous years to revise for our mock N.E.W.Ts.

"We're going through boggarts."

Everyone groaned loudly.

"Yes, yes I know it's annoying and you've done it before but I need to make sure you can all do it, Merlin knows you've not had the best track record with Defence Against the Dark Arts professors."

I hadn't done it in third year when we learned, I had no idea what my boggart was. Frankly I didn't really want to find out. So I stayed silent and kept my head down, making myself as small as possible not wanting to draw attention to myself.

Everyone got up and started doing it. They all had semi rational fears, loved ones dying, snakes, spiders, being in an enclosed space etc.
Everyone was disinterested, chattering between themselves as was Professor Lupin, he was chatting with students occasionally looking to see if the boggarts were changing. I stood in front of mine and my father stood before me.

Tall, brooding expression on his face, eyes mirroring mine staring back at me. I froze. I didn't even have time to think that everyone could possibly see. All I could focus on was what was in front of me. Blaise quickly stepped in front of me as I stayed stood there.

"Is that her father?" Someone said. I didn't know who said it but I quickly turned around.

I looked back at the boggart, instead it was Blaise alone with failing paper grades and a broken broom.

I looked at Professor Lupin, he looked suspicious but he didn't say anything. He hadn't seen it then.

Blaise cast "Riddikulus" and it turned into a clown.

I couldn't find the words to thank Blaise there and then, instead I was too shocked about my little discovery. In all honesty I'd thought it'd be my name burnt off the family tree. I guess subconsciously I feared the bastard. Lesson went on as usual, I stayed quiet and kept to myself. Soon enough we were done for the day.

I quickly walked out of lesson and as I turned the corner I heard a voice say.

"Miss Avery."
I looked back and I saw Professor Lupin jogging up to me. I stopped, confused as to what he wanted.

"Come with me." He said with a small smile on his face, so I assumed I wasn't in trouble.

I followed him and he took us to his empty classroom.

"What am I doing here Professor?"

"Sit down." He said softly as he shuffled across the front of the class bringing out the same cupboard that held the boggart.

"What are you doing Sir, I know how to deal with boggarts we did them in third year."

"I didn't see you do it in class."

He moved to open it and I quickly shouted out "No! Stop!"

He froze and I realised that I had basically shouted at him so I cleared my throat and looked down embarrassed.

"It's just a boggart."

"It's not that Sir."

He looked at me, a look of sympathy.

"It's alright, this is confidential, whatever happens here stays here, but I do need to see you do it."

"It's embarrassing."

"Nonsense." He said with a smile "Believe me, I've just taught third years it and it can't be any worse than what I've seen there."

He opened it before I could respond and there stood my father, again like before I sat frozen in my seat. He waited a few minutes and when he realised I wasn't going to do anything he sent it back. I snapped out of my trance and forced myself to look at him, worry written all over my face.

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