66- Birthday Wishes

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I was starting to think that Pansy was playing some sort of game because there was just no way that she had no idea what she was doing.

And in all honesty, I didn't know how we could be friends anymore because friends didn't act the way she acted. Or maybe they did and maybe I was just overthinking things.
Either way, working with her was starting to become unbearable.

Theo had started working at the Ministry too.
It was sort of a shock to see him sat next to Pansy when I walked into work one morning.
Not that I was complaining, seeing him sat there made me feel like I was in Hogwarts again. All of us together working felt like what 14 year old me had dreamed of.

And I barely saw Sirius or Tonks or Remus anymore. I think they had made a point to avoid me and it sort of stung but it was probably less painful than seeing a replacement me. Seeing them do all the things we used to do, seeing Tonks and Remus together.. him teaching her the patronus charm was enough, I don't think I could have handled anything more than that.

Besides I had distracted myself, I barely had enough time to think about him. My birthday was coming up and I was determined to spend it properly with my friends.

"I'm going to Brighton to pick something up for Blaise. After that, I'll come."

"It's my birthday though Draco, you can't miss it. You're my best mate it'll be embarrassing if you're not there."

"I'll be there. Just late."

"What does Blaise need? I'll get him for it another day."

"It has to be me. We don't have to tell you everything you know? Stay out of it."

"Why are you being all secretive?"

"So you can have secrets with Blaise and we can have secrets but me and Blaise can't?"

"Well.. it depends on the sec.."

"Merlin. Just stay out of it." He grumbled rolling his eyes.

"Alright! Alright!"

Theo was acting weird with me. I think he was trying to flirt, but if that was his idea of flirting I didn't know how he managed to pull so many girls. I liked Theo. Theo was very attractive, very fun.

But I was iffy about him.
I sort of had trust issues and I dunno, but he seemed like the kind of guy who would just intensify it. He was best friends with Adrian.
And I know that it was ironic for me to judge because I was probably no better than Adrian and my best friend was Draco, and me and Adrian were friends. But it's not like we were the closest. They were sleazy, well at least they were in Hogwarts, I don't know if Theo had changed now.

As I parted ways from Draco and started walking down to the Ministry to go into work, I saw Theo leaning against the wall, lighting a cigarette. As soon as he saw me he straightened up and smiled and I slowed down to stop in front of him.


"Were you waiting for me?" I asked confused.

"Sort of. Heard it's your birthday soon. What's the plan? Going on a big night out again?"

"Dunno if I want to invite you yet." I teased and he faked a hurt look, before we started walking in, side by side.

"You have to invite me and Adrian. It'll be dead without us."

"Who told you it was my birthday soon?"

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