02- Defence Against the Dark Arts

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Maybe if I stayed still for long enough he might leave me alone.


Clearly not.

"What the fuck do you want Blaise?" I snapped back, cranky and harsh.

He snatched the covers off my face, the darkness that I was bathing in was replaced with the bright light of the sun rays.

"We have potions in ten minutes, you've already slept through breakfast now get up."

He must have carried me to bed because there was no way I would have been able to get here on my own, I would have most likely passed out on the floor. I kept my eyes shut in hopes that he'd just give it up, what did he care if I skived a few lessons, it was not like Snape could hate me anymore than he already did. The bed dipped and he suddenly yanked at my leg so I was closer to his level.

"What the bloody hell do you want from me? What's your problem if I skive?"

"We're in seventh year, you can't just skive every lesson just because you're hungover."

"And why not? Actually if you think about it, I'm probably doing Snape a favour."

He grabbed my arm and dragged me out of bed, it wasn't hard to do, given the fact that he was 6"2 and built like a tank.

"I don't understand why you can't say no to Draco, he can hold firewhiskey you can't."

I ignored him and pushed past him to pick up my skirt.  I was in an under shirt I usually wore under my white uniform one and my underwear. He turned to face the door and I took off the shirt.

"Do you think he's shagged Pansy?"

I pulled a fresh white one over my head and looked back at him.

"Why? Fancy her? You better not. She's the biggest bitch I've ever known."

"No I don't fancy her, but did you not see them yesterday, he didn't come back to our dorm."

"You can look."

He turned back around as I was tying my tie.

"Clearly he's shagged someone. Do you think it's that blonde one?"

"I don't know Blaise why don't you ask him, and what do you care who he's shagging."

"Don't act like you don't love gossip."

He was right, I did love gossip, fucking loved it but gossip about Draco Malfoy? I couldn't give less of a shit, he'd slept with half of Hogwarts, nothing would really be a surprise. He passed me my wand and my bag and we started making our way to potions.

We were walking down the corridor and Blaise was telling me something about quidditch that I was paying no mind to. My head was pounding and the lights were too bright. I felt a hand grab at my shoulder, instinctively I jumped and I heard him laughing behind me.

"It's me."

"Shut up Draco, I've got the worst hangover I'm not in the mood for you right now."

"Didn't the two of you take a potion?"

We both shook our heads.

 "No wonder." He scoffed arrogantly.

"Yeah well, we'll see how long your cheerfulness lasts, I bet you it'll die down in the first five minutes of being with Snape."

"No I've just had one of the best shags of my life, can't beat the feeling of that."

"Told you he'd shagged someone."

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