30- Mudblood

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The next day I had to go back to lessons.
I made a vow that I would not let him know that what he said had affected me. If it was a mistake then it was a mistake. I wasn't going to let him know that it had hurt or bruised my ego, it was only sex and it was one time.
It's not like he was expected to marry me or something.

What I didn't expect though was for him to act so off with me. He wouldn't look at me, he was literally acting like I wasn't there.
I didn't let it show that it was affecting me but it really was. He was literally ignoring my existence as if we hadn't just fucked there on his desk. It took everything in me not to burst out and explode at him there in the middle of the lesson.

He took off his robes and rolled his sleeves up getting ready to explain something about wand techniques. He did this almost every lesson and it had never affected me quite as much as it had affected me then. My mind flashed back to his arms and his hands and the way he was gripping me and holding me up that day in detention.

I immediately darted my eyes away from him, my cheeks felt hot as I realised I was sat in the middle of a classroom fantasising, maybe not fantasising, but reliving the events that had happened.

The next few days were the same.

I had waited 8 months for him to do something and now that he had I wished I could just go back to pining over him when I used to pray he would make a move. It didn't hurt that much then. At least he was acknowledging me and we were flirting. Now we had fucked and he was treating me like a complete stranger.
I had too much pride to confront him, I wouldn't allow myself to do it so we never spoke. We didn't speak for a full week and it was beginning to show to others that I was obviously affected by something.

"You've not been yourself trouble." Fred said grabbing me with George on the side of him.
"What are you talking about?" I asked as they both slung their arms around my shoulders.

"We sense that you need cheering up, or better yet, a distraction from whatever is bothering you." George said smiling.

"Nothing's bothering me."

"Anyone with a pair of eyes can see that something's bothering you, but don't fret, we're here to get your mind off it." Fred said quickly.

"Oh yeah how?"

"With a prank of course." They said in unison and I rolled my eyes.

It was a fairly harmless prank, we had only got rid of all the quills and ink pots in Flitwick's classroom. We didn't think we'd get into any real trouble for it. I think Flitwick just reached a breaking point, he was sick of us messing with him that he just exploded. The prank wasn't that deep, but it was the icing on the cake for him and our punishment was harsh.

He had contacted our parents whilst we sat in an empty classroom writing lines.
The next day I was walking down the corridors and I heard a familiar screech. I turned to see the red set of hair that belonged to none other than Molly Weasley. She was screaming at the twins as the three of them made their way out of McGonagall's office.

Ron grabbed me to warn me that Flitwick had made our parents come in and that my father was most likely speaking to Snape in that exact moment as he was the head of my house.

Immediately I felt sick and I rushed over to Snape's office to see if he was there or not.
He walked out, tall and stern straightening his robes and my whole body tensed as soon as his eyes met mine.

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