18- Punishments

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I felt someone lightly kiss my shoulder blade and then my neck and their lips travelled down my back, kissing down my spine waking me up.
I fluttered my eyes open and sighed into my pillow, I could feel them smile into my back once they realised I was awake.


"Hi Felix."

"You have a pretty back."

"How can someone have a pretty back? A back is just a back."

"It's all like smooth and soft and it's like dainty."

"Right.. I have a dainty back? That's kind of weird Felix, do you have a back kink?" I said jokingly smirking into the pillow.
He laughed and flipped me over so I was facing him.

"I'm complimenting your body and you're bullying me?"

"What do you want me to say? It's a weird compliment."

"You say 'thank you Felix, you have a nice back too.' See it's not that hard."

I laughed and he laughed with me, trailing his hands up and down my arms.He looked down at my naked body and kissed me.

"Think you can go again? Or are you tired?"

"I'm tired sorry, I don't have the stamina of a teenage boy. You're all horny 24/7."

"Okay that's fine."

He kissed down my neck and then down my body once more and it felt good.

"Alright fuck it never mind yes I can go again."

He rolled over to the side of me breathing in and out and I felt my eyelids growing heavy.
It was so warm, the bed, and he was so warm, his body heat. It was just soft and from our little activity I felt myself falling sleepy.
He turned over on his side to face me and smiled as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

"Oi sleepyhead."


"Come on, you can't fall asleep again."
I ignored him and he laughed shaking my shoulder.

"I'm tired Felix."

"You have lesson in... oh shit you're late."

"I'm not going. I wanna stay here."

"You can't you've already got enough detentions."

"I'll just say I'm not feeling well."

I rolled over and practically clutched onto him.
He was so warm and I was too comfortable to get up. I felt his chest vibrate from laughing and he sighed deeply.

"Fine five minutes, that way you'll only be a little bit late and you can say you like threw up or something."

"Or.. we could just not go at all."

"I can't I've got Arithmancy."
I hummed in response and felt myself drifting off again.

"Okay come on, up you get. We have to go."

"No I don't wanna."

"Stop being a big baby."


"What lesson do you have?"

"Transfiguration, she loves me anyway she won't care if I miss her lesson."

"Come on."

I groaned and got up, putting on my uniform quickly as he put on his. I looked around for my tie but I couldn't find it anywhere, I was already too late so I left it and made my way over to Transfiguration.

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