68- Man of the Match

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Months had passed and Merlin Theo was really man of the fucking match as Kieran would say.
Apparently.. there was this show, a muggle one where they'd show the highlights from a footy match and they'd talk about the best players and all of the goals and stuff, Match of the day.

According to Kieran, Theo really deserved man of the match.

If Kieran liked him then I trusted Theo.
Which was really weird because I hadn't even known Kieran that long and I had known Theo since I was 12. Kieran.. I don't know.. he had an inkling, he didn't like pricks, he could always see right through them and he said Theo was one of the good ones but he also said Remus was one of the good ones.

And although I had made the decision I had hated him, Kieran did talk some sense into me and hit me with a few hard truths.

"He moved on because you told him to, you gave him no other choice and you're right, it was probably the best thing to do and he might be a bit of a tosspot for getting married but it's happened now. So you're just going to have to get a grip love."

Theo, Theo was so funny.
I barely got a chance to be sad for too long because he'd be right there, cracking a joke and making me piss myself laughing.

The reason why he deserved title of man of the match was because first and foremost he was being my friend. A great one at that.

No funny business. No flirting or sexual comments or any touches or stares. Just friends. It was exactly what I needed because truthfully I wasn't over Remus yet.

But after a while, I felt it again. The spark that I thought had died out long ago in me when I swore I would never feel it again.

I could see myself months ago getting with Theo, sure. It probably would have been great and I would have enjoyed it but I would have regretted it massively if I rushed into things.

He was the kind of guy, who seemed like he was mean and intimidating, but really he carried his heart on his sleeve. I couldn't do it to him. I couldn't rush into things when I wouldn't be able to give him my everything in the same way he would give me everything of him.

So now, it felt like perfect timing. We were close as friends, we were together almost of all the time, attached by the hip, we started spending most of our days outside of work either going out, or even staying in, but whatever we were doing made me grow so much closer to him.

I barely thought about Remus, I forced myself into getting over him because it wasn't like he was just with someone as a rebound, no, he was married. He was married and that meant forever. Forever meant there was no chance in me and him, there was no hope left for us.

Truthfully, me and Sirius became full strangers too. I cut off ties with him when I realised that our friendship had dwindled out into nothingness now, because I never made an effort and neither did he.

Some of it was no one's fault. We worked in different departments, me and Remus had been broken up for so long and he  was married, I couldn't be in the picture anymore at all, nowhere near their circle because his loyalties were always going to be to him.
And I was too busy myself.
With work, and Draco lot, and I was always with Theo and maybe he felt awkward because the people I surrounded myself with were so different to him and his vibe that I don't know..

But it wasn't like I expected him to bloody join my group. It wasn't like I expected him to invite me out with the happy couple.
All I ever wanted from him was a little effort.

They were a funny thing.
Both of us had too much of them.

She started to cut his fucking hair.

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