08- Christmas

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We all packed our trunks preparing ourselves to return to our homes for the Christmas break. Me and Draco walked to the Great Hall together where people were gathered as we waited for everyone to come to board the Hogwarts Express. I left my trunk with him when I remembered I had left my jacket on my bed in my dorm.I quickly went back to grab it.

On the way there I collided with Snape.

"Watch where you're going Avery." He hissed coldly as our bodies collided uncomfortably.

Behind him was Professor Lupin, he too looked annoyed. They probably had a bit of a dispute beforehand or something and so I didn't bother to answer back or give attitude, not wanting to get in trouble. He didn't say anything more as he pushed past me and Professor Lupin. I expected Lupin to follow after him, but he stood in his place to my surprise.

"Shouldn't you be in the Great Hall?" He asked in the most teacher tone I had ever heard from him before. He looked borderline annoyed with me too, as if I was another nuisance to deal with.

"Left something in my dorm professor." I replied in a small voice, again, not wanting to piss, not just him in particular, but just professors in general, off because it was the last day of term and I wanted to leave in their good books.

"Well be quick, you don't want to keep them waiting." He said shooing me away.

I moved past him and went to my dorm, I tried to be as quick as possible as I picked up my jacket that was laying on my bed. I was midway putting it on when I realised he was still stood there. He was looking at his watch, my brows shot up in surprise to see he had waited for me.

"Found it?"


"Well come on then, let me escort you back, I don't trust that you won't go wandering around."

I walked alongside him as we walked in silence, he still looked annoyed. I don't think his annoyance was directed at me though anymore. He seemed annoyed before I had even seen him. Clearly Snape had ticked him off.

He turned to look at me as I was putting my arm through my sleeve.

"You know, it's freezing outside, you should probably have worn something thicker than that." He said with a smile on his face, the annoyed expression had faded now. His expression was kinder and suited him more.

"Probably, but fashion over comfort I guess, got to wear the best."

"And that's the best is it?" He said pointing at the item in question.

"Course it's the best. I made it."

"What do you mean you made it?"

"Exactly what it means, really Professor, are you sure you had your morning coffee?"

He didn't acknowledge my sarcastic comment, instead he pulled a sour face. "What? You?"

"Merlin you don't have to say it like that, do you think I'm not capable of things?"

He quickly shook his head, "No no, it's not that, I just never would have guessed an 18 year old had made that."

"Actually a 14 year old made it."

"Now I'm certain I don't believe you." He said shaking his head.

"Check the tag, go on."

He moved behind me and folded the collar of it inside out to check the tag that read 'Avery.'

"Avery's sell clothes, the massive shop in Diagonal Alley, how do I know you haven't just bought it from there and that it wasn't just made by a little house elf."

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