17- Don't Think Too Hard

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A week has passed since the prank and I had had detention with Snape every single day after my last lesson for an hour. It was fucking torture.

He made me write the same line again and again until the clock ticked til the last minute.
He was such a git, he made me write 'I will not be a brat.'

He could have just told me to write something normal like 'I will behave' or something but he was just a git.

We had Transfiguration first and I was in a particularly foul mood. Seamus had been winding me up all lesson, just generally being annoying. Ron started joining him and the topic of discussion was my accent.
They teased me throughout the whole lesson and they carried on as we walked to Defence Against the Dark Arts.

I ignored them and sat down next to Draco in my usual seat. He started the lesson and after about 20 minutes Seamus piped up again, throwing a scrunched up piece of paper at me.

"What is your problem?"

"I like winding you up, it's funny. You're like this little fiesty little fireball."

"Don't call me little, you're little yourself."

"You're shorter than me."

"You know what Seamus. I'm starting to think you're obsessed with me."

"You think you're so special."

"I know I'm so special, it's okay if you're obsessed with me, I don't blame you."

"You're so annoying, you think you're the fittest girl in the year, but you aren't."

"Well. That's because I am the fittest girl in the year."

I didn't actually think I was, I was only doing it to wind him up, he was being annoying so I didn't care if I sounded self obsessed.

"No you're not."

"There's literally no one fitter than me."

"If you fancy her, then just say you fancy her."
Draco said piping in, smirking.

"I don't fancy her." Seamus said bluntly.

"Why not? She's the fittest girl in the year."

"See!!!" I started laughing with Draco and Lupin cut us off.

"All of you, be quiet. You're distracting others around you."

"Not my fault Sir, I've got haters in this class, they're praying on my downfall."

"Oh for Merlin's sake."

"What!! It's true!!"

He rolled his eyes and went over to Pansy who had raised her hand to ask him something and we all got on with the work he had set us.

"Wait a second."

He walked up to me as I was about to leave for my next lesson with an essay in his hand.
"Redo this. It wasn't good enough."

"Why? What was wrong with it?"

"You didn't explain why you should've used a protective charm instead of a simple defence spell. What you wrote was right, but you didn't explain why. You want an O? Then this isn't good enough."

"Alright fine."

I turned again to leave and he stopped me again.

"And lay off the Gryffindors, every lesson you're fighting with them."

I looked back to see his face to see if he was being serious and actually telling me off, he had a smile on his face so I smiled back at him.

"It's not my fault, they're all jealous of me."

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