53- Our Spot

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1 July

"Remus I'm hot."

"You've said that maybe 14 times."

"Okay, but I'm still hot."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I dunno.. make me less hot?"

"I can't change the weather can I?"

We were both sat in our underwear, sweating and irritated. His lips were tainted red from the ice lolly a kid from the neighbourhood was selling, a few strands of his hair clung to his forehead from the sweat and he kept pushing them out of the way, growing irritated with how they kept falling in his eyes. He was wearing only his boxers, a thin material that was hiding nothing and he looked so attractive that if it was any other day I would have pounced on him, but the heat was spoiling our mood.

He sighed heavily, his chest puffing out and we lazed around in silence, hearing the fan and the clock tick not motivated to do anything else.
He summoned a water bottle, gulping it down and sighing in relief for the temporary coldness it brought. I didn't have the energy to get up and get myself one so I held out my hand and motioned for him to pass me one, silently cursing myself for still not being able to do wandless magic.

He tossed me it and I wiped the top of it out of habit making him scoff.

"What?" I asked looking at him across from me, he was watching me carefully.

"I've spat in your mouth but you won't drink my wa.."

"Will you chill it's out of habit."

"Maybe you just don't love me anymore." He joked, holding his heart dramatically and falling back deeper into the sofa as if he had been shot.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. How could I ever love someone who spits in my mouth, so degr.."

"You love it."

"You love it."

"We won't get into what you love darling, I think the whole neighbourhood can hear what you love." He said cockily, spreading his legs and leaning back, crossing his arms behind his head.

"You know what? I think I've been letting you get too cocky, you're not getting it for a week."

"A week? You can't even last two days."

"What do you think I am? Of course I can last two days."

"As soon as you got out of rehab you couldn't even wait for your body to get back to normal, you had to go and get a potion all because you couldn't wait."

"That was for an entirely different reason, that was at the cost of my sanity. I can last longer than you."

"Fine wanna bet on it?"

"Fine what are you terms."

"If you break before me.. actually I need to think about it you give me your terms first." He said and I laughed shaking my head.

"No no, you wanted this, you state your terms first."

"Okay, fine. If you break before me.. you have to erm.. oh I know!! If you break before me, we can only play Bowie for a full week. No Take That, no Arctic Monkeys, no Nirvana, no Madonna, no Oasis, no Fleetwood Mac, only Bowie."

"Fine. And if you break before me.. you have to let me cut your hair and you have to wear whatever I tell you to for a full week."

He nodded and crossed his arms across his chest.

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