42- The Battle of Hogwarts

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No one spoke. It was probably the longest fifteen seconds of my life. There was spells shooting in the distance, screams of people being hit and here we were stood behind a broken pillar, fairly close, but still, it felt like there was a massive distance between us.

I broke the silence when I realised he wouldn't.
He was so stubborn, he wouldn't even break eye contact, wouldn't back down.

"I did what I had to."

Finally he spoke then, but his tone wasn't what I had grown to adore. It wasn't the soft, kind one.

It was harsh and bitter and angry and I couldn't stand it.

"And you didn't think to tell anyone?"

"Tell who? You? You wanted me to tell you did you?"

"Yes, yes I wanted you to tell me."

"And say what? Hi Remus, I'm a murderer?"

"I just want to understand how you can lie so easily, you looked at me, dead in my eyes and lied, you told me you were going to see your grandfather."

He's right.

"You told me you couldn't stand liars."

"Well I'm sorry, but I couldn't exactly tell you, okay it's not like a little.."

"Why couldn't you tell me? Don't you care abo.."

"I swear to god if you end that sentence will 'don't you care about me' I will shoot myself."

"I don't want you to care for me for fucks sake. I don't care what you care for me it's clear that it's not enough." He screamed angrily and I clenched my jaw to keep myself calm at his outburst.

"Then what?"

"I want you to care for yourself."

"Oh for Merlin's sa.."

He cut me off by pushing me back behind him, his arm swinging to cover my torso protecting me from a spell that had blast in my direction.

"I could have handled tha.."

"Will you shut up?"

I pushed his arm off me and moved in front of him again, effectively proving my point that I didn't need his protection as another spell hit and I blocked it.

He looked at me again and his eyes were almost black. He was so angry that I couldn't take it. I'd rather him just hex me and be over with it but instead he was being snarky and spiteful and it was enraging me.

"Did you honestly think that stupid note was enough? 'I adore you too.' What do you think this is? Some kind of dramatic declaration before you went and offed yourself?"

"Yeah well, I take it back."

"Good you should, because I don't adore you anymore, actually, I think I hate you. Yeah... I hate you."

"That's grand. I hate you too."

Another spell shot and he tried doing the same thing again, tried pushing me behind him, but once again I stopped him, blocking the spell myself.

"And what do you think this is? Some kind of dramatic rescue? Do you think you're a knight in shining armour, trying to protect me? I can handle myself."

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