33- Caught

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It was a Saturday morning and maybe one of the worst days of my life. Maybe even worse than the cruciatus. That was a lie, maybe not as bad as the cruciatus, but it was a very close second.

I had woken up early, for some unknown reason.  I still had nightmares, but they lessened. They weren't as frequent as they used to be.

Part of me wanted to thank Lupin for that.

He occupied my brain every night before I went to sleep, so I drifted off and dreamed of him instead.

The other part of me didn't want to give another person that much power over me.
Either way, I was grateful they weren't as bad as they used to be.

So I didn't know why I woke up so early. It wasn't like I had a nightmare. It wasn't that early it was probably around 8:15, but that was early for me. Especially on a weekend.
I wasn't a morning person, I despised mornings, but surprisingly I was in an alright sort of mood. When I realised I wasn't tired and that I couldn't go back to sleep, I decided to get up and start to get dressed.

Maybe you can be productive.
Maybe you get do some work.
Yeah let's do some work.

I didn't think too much of what I was wearing, it was only a Saturday and I wasn't planning on going anywhere, so I dressed for comfort.
I threw on a white tennis skirt and an oversized cream sweatshirt and grabbed my books. I started making my way down the corridors, they were empty and I felt myself rubbing my eyes.

I jolted awake when I felt someone grab my arm and drag me into a classroom. My back hit the wall and I looked up to meet brown eyes, twinkling as they met mine.

"Hi." He said smiling and I did the same.


"What are you doing awake at this time?"

"Thought I'd be productive or whatnot."

"That's not like you."

"I know right."

We both smiled as his hands teased up my sweater, before he left them at my hips.

"You look very preppy." He said smirking as he looked down at my outfit.

"What's wrong with preppy?"

"Nothing wrong with preppy.. just..."


"Makes me wanna mess you up, send you back out looking all..." His voice was low and it was making me weak in my knees, but we had never had sex this early before so I choked out a laugh.

"This early in the morning? You animal." I said jokingly and he grinned looking at the time.
I followed his eyes to the clock on the wall that read 8:38.

"Well, it's a good way to start the day." He said cheekily and I laughed as I reached up to kiss him. His hands played with the fabric of my skirt.

"Having fun are we?" I said laughing slightly against his lips as he continued to play with my skirt.

"What?" He asked pulling back to look at me for a second. I looked down at his hands and then back up at him and he sort of rolled his eyes.

"Skirts do it for you then?" I said teasing him and he grabbed one of my legs, hiking it up and pushing me back against the wall.

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