06- 18

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December 18

Wednesday was not the best day to have a birthday. Your 18th one and your golden one at that. We had lessons all day and then lessons the next day as well which meant that I was going to be hungover the next day, but turning 18 meant you just had to get drunk, it was a necessity.
To start the day off, I woke up to Draco shouting in my face.

"Up you get Avery."

I opened my eyes and saw Blaise and River also there on the side of my bed.

"Up up up!!" She shouted.

I closed my eyes and turned on my side and sighed. Draco snatched the covers and I immediately gripped them clutching them as if my life depended on them.

"I'm naked Draco!!" I screamed so he immediately let go.

"Well why the fuck are you naked?"

"I'm not naked naked, I'm you know, not decent." I said, now wide awake, my heart racing from the sudden panic he had induced a few seconds ago.

"I locked the door, how did you all get in?"

"Alohamora duh." Blaise replied.

"It's your 18th birthday!!!" River screamed in excitement, literally jumping up and down, I rolled my eyes.

"And I'll still be 18 when I go to the common room won't I? Now go on, all of you shoo."

They all left and I got up and got ready. As soon as I walked into the common room River had enchanted party poppers to go off as soon as my foot reached the door.

"Happy birthday!!!" They all screamed.

I smiled and thanked them all and gave them a hug, not Blaise though, he didn't do hugs. We went to breakfast and I was sat with Blaise and Draco until the twins screamed across the hall.

"Oi trouble! Come here now." I rolled my eyes and got up and walked over to them, they both gave me a hug and said happy birthday, I thanked them and they told me to sit down with them all.

Ron, Hermione and Harry walked in and they all did the same, I loved attention don't get me wrong, but something about birthdays was so awkward to me, I didn't like that kind of attention, it was just awkward. Of course though, my family owl just had to come flying into the great hall, with a sleek black box and a black card, stamped with the signature Avery trademark, drawing even more attention to me.

I always felt guilty, I knew it wasn't my fault, but it felt wrong to flaunt in front of the Weasleys. They didn't care, sure they would tease and make jokes but they didn't care for money, yes they struggled but they were never salty or bitter and they never intentionally made anyone else uncomfortable. Still, I couldn't help it, I quickly grabbed it off the owl and tried hiding it in my robes.

"Not so fast trouble." Fred said.

He grabbed my hand and quickly snatched the card from my hand, he held it up high.

"Look what we have here Georgie, they have a bloody trademarked stamp." He teased.

I tried reaching to snatch it from him, but he held it higher above his head. "Come on Fred, give it here." I said, but he ignored me. He passed it to George and George said "Ooh would you look at this, very fancy Avery I must say."

"As you are of age now, this belongs to you.
It was your grandmother's, it's tradition to pass it down to the first Avery daughter.
Happy birthday.
Mum and Dad."

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