35- Betrayal

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He had kept his promise, he was there when I woke up. I was laying on my side and his arm was slung over my waist, my back to his chest and his hand was on top of mine. He was still asleep.

I looked at the clock on his wall and saw I was awake far too early. I realised the reason I was awake was because I was hot.
His body temperature was unusually high.
I tried shifting to break free from his grip but I couldn't move. I attempted a few times and I heard him groan behind me in discomfort.

Fucking move then you oaf.

His arm loosened, only for a brief second and I managed to quickly turn around to face him. His arm immediately tensed again around my waist and I realised I was fucking trapped.




"Lupin, Professor, Moony, Remus, wolf boy. Hello??"


I gave up after a few minutes and sighed.
He looked so peaceful as he slept and I observed his face. His features were relaxed and his eyelashes fluttered a little and I thought that he was maybe waking up, but I was wrong. His breathing was even, his chest went up and down at an even pace and I found myself feeling relaxed, even if I was hot and slightly sweaty.

He had freckles that dusted over his face, they were really faint barely there and you could hardly see them, unless you were really up close.

He's so pretty.

I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but it wouldn't work. I tapped his shoulder, still nothing.

"Remus." I called out again, shaking his shoulder with more force this time.

"Hm." He mumbled in response, finally.

"I need to get up."

"Sh." He said as he pulled me even closer to him if that was possible.
He tightened his hold and put his chin on top of my head.

No get off me.
I can't breathe you slag.

I didn't know what to do.
It was the early stages, I couldn't just shout at him. I was comfortable around him, but not that comfortable. We weren't at that stage yet.

I didn't mind cuddling him, that wasn't the problem. It wasn't like I didn't like touch or affection, because I did. I liked him touching me, period, but the problem was that he was holding me too tight, I couldn't breathe and I was hot.

"Remus." I tried again, pushing him off me slightly. Still nothing.

I kissed his Adam's apple and then again a bit higher on his neck and then again behind his ear and finally he let out a breath and slowly fluttered his eyes open.

"Hi." I said teasingly at his confused state.

He looks so cute.

His eyes were slightly puffy and he looked confused, like a lost puppy.

"I need to get up." I repeated and he looked over at the clock on the wall, before groaning and closing his eyes again.

"It's so early what's wrong with you?"

"I'm too hot and you won't let me breathe." I said as I tapped his arm that was around my waist.

He ignored me and kissed the top of my head lazily, before deeply sighing, going back to sleep.

"Let me go!"



His grip loosened a bit and I let out a sigh of relief putting a bit of distance between us but he kept his arm on my waist, stopping me from fully escaping.

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