74- Dream of Me

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We immediately got the next flight to Heathrow, both of us panicked and stressed as we wondered what it possibly could have been. I felt like Theo knew but was keeping it from me, but neither of us spoke, not as we checked into the airport, not as we boarded the plane, not as we reached Heathrow and not as we found ourselves in Kensington.

It was a funny feeling being back.
The air was crisp and colder, the skies greyer, the streets undeniably English. It was a weird sensation that I couldn't quite decipher if I enjoyed or not.

We went straight to Draco, he opened his door to us and let us in and as he began to explain I felt like I was getting pranked. Like it was some sort of joke and that Draco was being Draco and he was being a pussy and just couldn't handle being a responsible friend and as usual called someone else to do it for him.

"He's turned into an alcoholic."

You mean he's keeps having a few and you just can't handle taking care of him until he's sober? Just because he doesn't drink often doesn't mean that when he does he's an alchy Draco fucking hell. This is Blaise we're talking about. Blaise who's middle name is self control.

When I heard what Draco had said, I couldn't help it, I was besides myself, and before I could stop myself a loud laugh ripped through me.
Draco and Theo's eyes widened, they couldn't believe I was laughing in such a serious situation and neither could I, maybe I was nervous, maybe I was just awkward, but I couldn't help it.

Theo pinched my arm subtly. He started explaining after he apparated us to the nearest station, and before I knew it we were on the tube and people were all around us.
Hounslow West.

"Im sorry Theo!! I can't..  I just can't imagine it. Blaise? What? He's turned into a geezer overnight?"

"It's not funny, he's killing himself with the way he's going, he's lost everything, he's.. I'm sorry to say it, but he's turned into a joke." Draco said sternly.

"No, I know it's not funny. Obviously,
I just.. I can't imagine him. What the fuck has he even been doing near pubs anyway? I just.. we used to take the piss out of geezers together and now what? Now he is one?"

"It's all the time, he tries hiding it, but he's drinking his life away, it's.. it's killing him." He was evidently worried, it sort of scared me because it was rare that Draco worried like that.

I didn't actually find it funny, I was just kind of in shock.
Blaise was the last person on the earth I expected to develop any sort of addiction, my money was always on Draco.

When we reached the station, we made our way to his apartment.

"And what the fuck is he doing in Hounslow? What happened to h.."

"He's blown all his money, he's too proud to let me help."

We got in and it was an absolute state. Disgusting. Literally like a pig was living in it. There was bottles everywhere, it stank of booze, his clothes and cigarette packets littered the floor.

He was nowhere to be seen until we went into the back room and he was sat on the sofa, slumped watching TV with a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"I bet you're just dying to say something."  He said not taking his eyes off of the screen. I assumed he was talking to me since it was the first I had seen him in a long time. And well because he was right, I was dying to say something. Everything about this whole situation was ironic.

I stared at him as Draco and Pansy turned to look at me.
I bit the inside of my cheek, willing myself not to let the remark that was so eager to fly out come out of my mouth.

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