65- Hogwart's Reunion

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"Can I put some music on?"

"Course you can why are you asking?"

She got up and walked across my room to where my muggle record player was, she fiddled with it, putting something on, I watched her reflection in the mirror and smiled as it took her a few tries to get it working. She came back and refilled her glass, she held the bottle out, offering me some and I held my glass out so she could refill mine too.

All the things she said. T.a.t.u.

"Tits or arse?" I asked as I held up two different dresses, both accentuating different parts of the body and she snorted.

"Arse. You have no tits. Like a little boy."

"No need to remind me."

"I have to remind you to keep you humble."

"I am humble."

"On what planet?"

"You're so annoying, don't you get tired of being so annoying?" I teased.


"I might have the body of a little boy, but I reckon I could still pull more lads than you on your best day." I teased and she pushed me playfully.

"Take your top off Avery, go on we'll see how brave you are then." She teased and I pushed her back playfully, she stumbled a little more than me, the alcohol taking effect.

She snorted and we carried on getting ready, makeup and clothes all over the place.
She kept refilling her drink, again and again and even though we were both tipsy, she had taken more than me. She started singing loudly, slurring the words and I couldn't stop giggling at her. The whole scene was quite funny.

I snorted and she caught the noise, so she narrowed her eyes at me playfully, before quickly pushing me back onto the wall.
I screamed a little, quickly replaced with laughter and she grinned at me.

She was a little taller than me, she wasn't particularly tall, so she didn't tower over me, but still, her body language and the way she was looking at me asserted her dominance immediately. I scoffed, her eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips and I was starting to panic, anxious over what her intentions were because she had never given me that look before.

Her scent was intoxicating, so close, that I could feel her breath on me, hot and faintly of firewhiskey. I tried steadying my heart rate, calming myself down but mouth felt dry, and I felt myself licking my lips subconsciously as she stared at me.

"Take your top off Avery." She whispered and I tensed.

"Go on." She urged and I looked at her carefully.

"Come on, you're drunk. Besides.. I don't swing that way."

"M'not drunk."

"Yes you are."

She tipped her drink, slowly, over my shirt and I gasped in disbelief, looking at her in shock.
She was smirking, so sinfully, her green eyes pierced into mine.


"Fuckin bitch."

"Guess you'll have to take it off."

I rolled my eyes and took it off, ready to go and replace it, but not getting the chance to as I was backed up again. Her eyes trailed down from my face to my neck, to my collarbone, to my chest and then she used her finger to trail down my torso, stopping at the waistband of my skirt.

"What are you.."

"I like this."

I looked down to where her finger resided, the small tattoo on the side of my ribs. I didn't manage a response, I sort of just stood there, transfixed, my chest rising and falling faster than hers and I cursed my body for just freezing in place when I should have pushed her off me and given her a potion to help her get sober.

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