38- Sheffield

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Apparently when you're faced with something so unbelievably shocking, your body doesn't know how to react.Sort of like denial.

I had just killed someone.

Not just anyone, I had killed one of the most powerful wizards in the Wizarding World, our headmaster.

I had just killed someone.

I looked at the wand in my hand, it shook in my grip and I watched his body fall.

Apparently when you're faced with something so unbelievably shocking, your body doesn't know how to react.

So I laughed.

I had just killed someone and I laughed.

The kind of laugh when someone tells you something unbelievable. Like that the Earth was once flat and you can't help but laugh at how ridiculous they sound. A laugh of disbelief, for short of a better word.

I was in disbelief. Denial. Like I hadn't just killed another person.

I looked at Draco on the other side of me and he was shaking, his eyes wide with shock his mouth hanging open.

Behind him stood Snape, I didn't know when or how he got there, but he stood, in shock too before turning to look at me.

"What have you done?"

I didn't respond and I looked at the wand in my hand again, it was shaking and it felt like I was having an outer body experience.

"Well look what we have here?"

The three of us turned our heads around to see  dark curls, a crazed expression. Bellatrix lestrange stood before us.

She grinned, the corners of her lips raising, her blackening teeth on full display.

"About time that old hag died." She said sadistically, alongside her stood Fenrir Greyback and I should have been scared.
I should have been, but I wasn't.
Instead I laughed again.

This time she faced me, dark black eyes meeting mine. She laughed hysterically, her head throwing back as she trailed over to me.

"It is rather amusing isn't it?" She said before darting her eyes to Draco.

"Well done Draco." She said, slowly, grinning and Draco was ashen faced.

"I didn't do it." He said quickly shaking his head, tears brimming his eyes and his hand that was clutching his wand shook.

"What do you mean you didn't do it? The Dark Lord was clear. It had to be you." She spat out grabbing onto his shirt aggressively.

"I had to take matters into my own hand." Snape stated, looking at her seriously, his face unwavering.

"The boy doesn't have the backbone to complete such tasks." He continued as she slowly released Draco, taking a few steps back.

"And this one?" She said finally pointing to me.

She walked over to me and I tensed, but I forced myself not to let it show that I was afraid.

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