47- Full Moons

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Living with Remus was grand.

Every morning he'd make me food. I told him that he was paying reparations, that it was his duty to cook for me if I was to be the breadwinner. I was teasing of course, he knew I was teasing, yet he still did it. He was like my own little house elf. I begged him to let us get one, that I would treat it nicely of course, but he refused, saying it went against his beliefs.
I told him there was nothing wrong with having them, that we had loads, and if we treated them nice it'd be fine. He said that the whole idea of them was demeaning and cruel so now he was my personal house elf.

Living with him was lush but there were a few things we had to figure out.

His house was just.. very.. Remus Lupin.
Everything about it, screamed Remus.
The earthy colours, the sofas, the records, the bedsheets, the chocolates, the bookshelves, even down to his bloody dishes.

It smelt like him too, his coffees, his teas and his chocolates and cinnamon and his colognes and his sweaters. His house was an accurate representation of him and I loved it, but I couldn't live in it, not without making changes to accommodate me.

The first thing I did was paint his walls.
Only his bedroom ones, I figured if I was to share a room with him I would spend an awful amount of time looking at them. The beige made me feel claustrophobic, uneasy, so I changed them to white.

I had to change his sheets. No matter what he did, no amount of cooling spells, no amount of stripping could get me used to his body heat.
The man was a furnace and he disrupted my sleep almost every night so I changed them to silk, cream and classy.

I didn't really give him a choice in the matter, I knew he wouldn't mind, he'd told me he had trusted my judgment in the past and I was right. He came back and said he loved the changes I made.

Living with Remus was grand.

We'd look forward to coming home to each other. We'd spend hours in bed, lazing around and never getting bored. We'd lay in front of the tv and we'd dance to records in his living room and we were happy. It was exactly like what you'd want, living with your partner.

Living with Remus was grand.
Until the last of Snape's wolfsbane potion ran out. Then living with Remus was hell.

He wasn't a morning person regardless of the full moon and neither was I, but he'd wake before me, every morning without a doubt and kiss my shoulder.

His hand would run up and down my side from my ribs to my waist. He'd kiss my shoulder twice, tapping my ribs softly, signalling that it was time for me to wake. No speaking, that's it.
But he would do it every morning without a doubt. I had come to recognise the pattern.

First the kiss to my shoulder.
Then the hand trail.
Then another kiss and finally a tap.

So when I woke up to nothing of him touching me it was a telltale that something was wrong.
He was fast asleep on the side of me as I turned, adjusting to the early hours.
I turned to face him, all of his limbs were positioned away from me. I tapped him softly to wake him. He had to run a few errands and he never normally overslept this much, usually it was me. He groaned irritated and shrugged my hand away from him, I held them both up defensively, quickly letting go of him and leaving him to it. Clearly he was tired and not in the mood so I figured I'd let him sleep in.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom, taking my time in the shower, enjoying the warmth of the water, knowing that I didn't need to rush, I had nothing to do all day anyway.

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