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Sundays at Hogwarts meant lazing around the common room if not at Hogsmeade and that's exactly what we were doing. Somehow the topic of makeup came up and we found ourselves arguing about it. I was sat next to Blaise on the black leather sofa, Pansy and Theo opposite us on the other one and Draco was sat in an arm chair lazily, a book in his lap that he had soon lost interest in as he chimed in on our conversation.

"I don't like girls who wear loads of that shit on their face, it's so fake." He said, putting his two pence in.

"Shut up Draco."

"I'm just saying, why would they wear it it's like giving people trust issues, the minute they take it off it's a different person."

"Maybe they wear it because they want to, what's it got to do with you?" Pansy snapped back.

"If they wear like a little bit of it, fair enough, but when they start caking it on, that's where I've got to draw the line. That's when you know she looks like a slapped arse when she's got a full face of it."

Theo started laughing and Draco snickered with him.

I hated guys.
They were such pricks sometimes, the way they were sat there snickering about girl's appearances when they weren't exactly god's gifts themselves.

"Like anyone cares where 'you have to draw the line' they don't do it for you, they do it for themselves. You're not exactly a godsend yourself Malfoy." I snapped, it angered me the way he was talking about them. As if his opinion ruled all.

"Oooo." Theo said sarcastically trying to instigate a fight between us.

"Why are you being so stuck up about it, not like we're talking about you, this conversation doesn't include you or you Pansy for that matter."

"That's besides the point, I don't wear it because I'm just not good at it, not because I think I'm somehow better than girls who do wear it. You're just beyond disrespectful."

"It's just my opinion, they do it for us anyway we're allowed to think what we think."

Me and Pansy scoffed in disbelief, for the first time ever we were on the same side.

"Who says we do it for boys?" Pansy said.

"Exactly no one does it for boys, stop giving yourself that much importance."

"You be quiet, Merlin knows you don't suit it." She said snapping at me.

Of course, the whole girl power didn't last long.

I scoffed at her rudeness, "You know what, I actually thought we were on the same page and agreeing on something for once, you're just a fucking bitch."

"You wouldn't suit it. It's the truth. I've never seen you wear it."

"I've worn makeup before, what the fuck is that supposed to mean."

"Yeah but proper make up."

"Fuck off, you think you're special? Just because you wear eyeliner doesn't make you a makeup artist."

"Better than you." She said widening her eyes at me sarcastically.

I narrowed my eyes at her, pissed and shouted out River's name.


"Do you have eyeliner on you?" I called out.

"Top or inside?"


"Why not inside? Pussy." Pansy said.

"What the fuck does inside mean?" Theo said.

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