26- Marauders Map

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Act like a normal student?
How can I act like a normal student?
I'm going to fight on the side of the Dark Lord.
I can't sleep, my body hurts all the time and I can't even breathe properly.
I want to die.
On top of it all, I fancy you.
And you're my teacher.

"What does a normal student mean?"

"I dunno, spend time with your friends, go to parties. Try to forget about it all, have fun. Nothing's going to happen yet anyway, so try not to worry."


He didn't say anything further and I left his classroom. He was practically telling me to forget about anything that I was thinking.
Insinuating that I was too young or whatever, that I should be doing things that young people did. So I listened.

"What brings you here? Finally thinking about my offer?" He said smirking and I pushed away the urge to roll my eyes.

"I'm not sleeping with you. I just want to see if you've got something, you know.."

He grinned and moved away from the doorframe so I could come in. Theo was asleep, half hanging off his bed snoring lightly. He walked over to his desk and bent down to pull open a drawer. He pulled out a bottle of pills and walked over to me again.

"It's strong shit, not like the ones the Weasleys have lying around. It ain't cheap."

I took it off him and was about to pull out money.

"S'alright, on me."

I didn't say anything and he went over to light a cigarette. I turned around ready to walk out and he stopped me.

"Stay, we'll do it together."

"I don't trust you."

"Why? I'm not gonna try anything with you."

"Yeah right." I scoffed and he flopped on his bed, laying down.

"Come on, let loose a bit, why are you being so uptight. I'm not gonna do anything to you, Theo's here as a witness." He said casually blowing the smoke out of his mouth.

"Yeah, he's not conscious."

"I'll wake him. Look." He grabbed the pillow from under his head and launched it at him.

"Shove off Adrian." He groaned and shifted, nuzzling his face into the pillow.

"Leave him, he wants to sleep."

"He's being a boring sod. Come on Avery, don't let me down. Plus if I'm here I'll make sure you don't do anything stupid."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the end of his bed.
He was half laying down, half sitting up, his head leaning against the headboard. I leaned my back against the wall and stretched my legs so they laid on top of his. I opened the bottle and put one in my mouth, throwing him back the bottle. He did the same and he reached over to his bedside table and started rolling a spliff.

"Take this it takes off the edge whilst you're waiting for it to kick in."

He passed me it and I took a drag and sighed, closing my eyes.

"I'm sick of Hogwarts. It's boring as fuck, even the parties are dead."

"That's cause me and you are different Avery, we know how to have fun, they're all boring fuckers."
I nodded in agreement and we sat in silence for a couple of seconds.



"Do you ever feel like, you're not the same.. like sometimes you don't recognise yourself? Maybe not recognise yourself but think how you got so fucked up?"

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