13- Good Girl

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Tomorrow came by far too quickly and I was fucking dreading it. The thought of us being alone, in an empty classroom was driving me insane, keeping me up at night.

Only I would be attracted to my Professor.

It wasn't my fault.
It really wasn't.

Anyone who was human and had functioning eyes would be attracted to him. Half of the Gryffindor girls practically drooled at his feet. It wasn't like I was the odd one out.
Still, I was starting to hate going to his lessons. There was absolutely no need for him to flaunt himself about.

Taking off his robes? Unbuttoning his shirt? Rolling up his sleeves?
It was entirely inappropriate, someone needed to teach him how to act in a workplace. You didn't see Snape doing that.

Yeah. Snape is a good professor. Lupin is a shit one.

I mean he was an absolute arsehole and I despised him, but at least he didn't try to seduce his students. Not like Lupin.

Someone should've complained about him. It wasn't right, having a Professor as fit as him in a school. Could be deemed as a health and safety risk. What if someone was doing a spell and it went terribly wrong because they were distracted by his face? Or his arms.. or his stupid half smile thing that he always did.

I was beyond frustrated and I made the conscious decision that I didn't like him.
He was too nice. What kind of professor would want to spend extra hours helping a student? What a weirdo. Didn't he have a life? Didn't he have other work to do or girls to shag or friends to meet?

I didn't like him.

First period was Charms, second was Transfiguration and soon enough it was time to go to his class.
I contemplated leaving it out, I'd just say I was ill. As I got to his door, I stood in place, deciding whether or not to go in.

Maybe I should just find Professor Sprout and just ask her if I could switch, I don't need to put myself through this. Herbology is a decent subject anyway, and Sprout.. well she's alright I suppose.

I turned and before I could go I saw him walking towards me, a few books in his hands. I quickly turned back around and cringed as he came up behind me and then besides me to open the door.

"Don't think you're getting out of this one trouble." He said smiling as he opened the door to let us both in.

Why couldn't he just call me by name. Why would he say things like that.
Miss Avery.. trouble.. darling.
Aaliyah wasn't hard, it wasn't hard at all. Why did he have to try and be special?

It was painfully infuriating.
I squeezed my eyes shut and mentally groaned.

Come on, it's fine. Think of the plant.

As soon as I walked in my eyes scanned to find the plant. It wasn't there.
Suddenly I started feeling panicked, where was the fucking plant?

"Where's the plant gone Sir?" I asked, panicked and evidently stressed.

"What?" He said putting the books down on his desk looking back at me bewildered.
I pointed to the corner where the plant had been the previous day.

"The plant, where's it gone?"

He looked at me utterly confused and said "What plant?"

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