51- Rock Bottom

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It had been a week. I had gone on a bender and only returned home when I had run out of coke and I knew that I had more stashed in the house somewhere. It was the start of the shit show that would probably ruin things forever.



"Where is it?"

He didn't respond, he stood with his arms across his chest, leaning against the door frame as I frantically ransacked through the drawers.

"I'm not pissing around Remus, where is it?"

"I got rid of it."

"You did what?!"

"You don't need it."

I walked up to him and he stood tall, lifting his chin up slightly as if standing his ground.

"You're lying. You have it. I can see it right there."

"I don't have..."

I could clearly see a bag in his pocket and I was getting more and more annoyed that he was lying to me.

"Stop lying."

I reached out to grab his arm, but he flinched and dodged away from me.

"Give me it now."


I tried moving past him, to attempt to reach into his pocket where I could see it peaking through.

"What is it? You want to do it too? You want to do it together? We can do it together, come on, we can do it tog..."

I tried reaching out again but he grabbed my arm.

"No I don't want it, I want to understand what's so special about it. I'm trying to understand why you want it so much."

"I need it, I just need it."

He shook his head and I clenched my jaw, growing frustrated by his actions.He had already taken my wand too, so I had nothing to attack him with, still I don't think I would have used it anyway. My brain wasn't really the most logical when it was like this.

I couldn't think of anything, anything else other than getting what was right in front of me so I tried again, desperately, to reach into his pocket, but he was stronger than me.
Much stronger than me.


"Just give me them, then I'll stop."

"I'm sorry but no."

I tried once again, but his grip was too tight, and I realised I'd have to find another way so I gave up.

"Okay!! Okay! I'll stop."

He looked at me for a few seconds and then reluctantly let me go. I moved away from him and rushed upstairs, he followed after me and I ignored him as I went through our shared wardrobe to grab my jacket and my shoes.

"Where are you going?"


I heard him sigh but I ignored him and hurriedly slipped them on. Before he could stop me I rushed downstairs. He ran after me, and just as I was about to reach the door he grabbed my wrist. I wondered for a split second how he reached me so fast, but he spun me around before I could dwell on it.

"You're not leaving."

"You can't stop me."

"Yes I can."

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