54- Break ups

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2 July

"Morning sunshine."


"Five minutes, please we don't have work today, let me sleep in." I bargained and he rolled on his back and sighed, his fingers idly scratching my scalp, tangling themselves in my hair.

I snuggled deeper in the covers making him chuckle deeply, his voice low, I smiled sleepily at him and pulled the covers over him too, trapping him in them so he couldn't escape.

"Sometimes you're cute." He teased, letting me cling onto him.

"I'm cute all the time?"

"No. Only sometimes."

He let me hold onto him for a while, but the clock ticked on and we couldn't say in bed forever, so he took the initiative to pull the covers off of us.

"Merlin..." He breathed out, eyes raking my body, mesmerised by the marks he had left.

I snorted at how proud he was of making a mess of me, as if it was some sort of achievement. He smiled innocently and got up, both of us starting to get dressed simultaneously like we had done hundreds of times before.

"I'm gonna go see Blaise. He's got a quidditch match, thought I'd show my support, apparently it's an important one."

"Tell him good luck from me, I think I'm gonna stay in, I've got piles of fifth year assignments that I haven't even started marking."

I nodded as put on my clothes, and he turned to look at me stood in his underwear.

"Go on then, tell me." He said pointing to the closet referring to the bet we had made, he was waiting on me to give him instruction as to what to wear.

He was staying in, so I didn't bother trying to find him some kind of fashionable outfit seen as though it would just go to waste.

A while ago, I threw a tantrum over him throwing away the grey shirt that I had grown to love. To stop me from whining he went out and got another one, the exact same one.
It was soft and cozy and I loved the way it looked on him so I gave him it and a pair of sweats and he smiled, grateful that I didn't put him in anything extravagant.

I gave him a kiss goodbye and I was out of the door, on my way to go and see Blaise.
Draco had work, so he couldn't come and I was sort of nervous to go alone. Quidditch matches weren't my thing and I felt awkward being in the stands alone but I did it anyway cause I felt guilty for not always being there for him. He saw me on his broom and smiled and I gave him a thumbs up as the match had started.

I quickly remembered why I didn't like quidditch. The bravado of boys in the crowds, the smell of beers and the screaming and shouting, all of it just wasn't for me.Thankfully, in my case, there was an old lady who was just as uninterested in what was going on that kept me company for the whole match.

They won and we cheered and I waited for him to finish so I could congratulate him, ready to have celebratory drinks Sometimes Blaise was such a lad that I forgot what he was like. He was reserved and sweet and intimidating and he didn't really open up to anyone, but rarely, he had like these spurts of just energy and this mad persona that it made me laugh. Once he showered and changed he grabbed me, lifting me off the ground like kids would do.

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