15- Wands

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We had Charms first lesson and I completely forgot about the homework we had to do and I woke up too late for me to do it before lesson.
I walked in and usually I sat with Cho, but she wasn't there. Instead Luna was in her place.

I quickly sat down and pulled out the piece of parchment from my bag and asked her where Cho was. She told me she was off sick and that Flitwick told her to sit in her seat, I nodded and asked her if she had done the homework.
I had done one question and I was desperately scribbling down answers as Flitwick went around the class collecting them.

"Can I copy yours? I'll change it up, I won't copy it word for word I swear."

"Sorry, but I don't believe in cheating."

"Well it's not really cheating, it's just helping a friend out."

She didn't say anything and turned in her seat to face the front.

Well I wasn't going to beg her, allow it he could just take points off.

"Miss Avery?" He said as he reached our desk

"Haven't done it Sir."

"Ten points off Slytherin."

I rolled my eyes and he went to the front of the class to start the lesson.

"Fucking cheesestring."

I quickly realised I said it out loud and not in my head when she shot me a glare, I panicked when I realised she had heard me. It wasn't that deep, it was only homework, it wasn't like it was an exam.

We had Defence Against the Dark Arts next and she started walking alongside us, following us to the classroom.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked because we normally had Defence Against the Dark Arts with Gryffindors not Ravenclaws.

"The people who missed their last lesson have to join your class." Another Ravenclaw boy answered for her.

There was about 13 of them in total in the class, so it was more cramped than usual.

"We're going to switch up the seats a bit, so we're working with different people seen as though there's more people in the class."

Just my luck that he paired me with Luna after she had heard me insult her.

"Can I just be with Blaise Sir?"


Blaise was paired with a Ravenclaw boy he didn't get on with either, mostly just because he was good at quidditch and he felt threatened.


"No stop wasting lesson time."

"We won't talk Sir promise."


I sat next to her and after like fifteen minutes of him explaining what we needed to do we all started getting on with the work he had set us.
I wasn't used to sitting with quiet people.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like I only spoke to loud people or anything, but whenever I worked I'd talk to the person next to me.
Just mindless chatter here and there.
It made the lesson go faster. She was silent besides me, probably because she heard me call her a cheesestring. It wasn't that deep though, I was only joking. Well kind of.

"This lesson's such a bore am I right?" I said trying to force conversation out of her.

I couldn't sit in silence, I just couldn't do it, it was too awkward for me, she straight up ignored me.

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