69- I Wish I Never Met You

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His expression was quite the same, maybe he had gotten better at hiding or maybe my sarcasm just didn't affect him anymore.
He watched me carefully, it felt like he was waiting for me to crack or something, the whole time his eyes never left mine and I sucked in a breath subtly feeling intimidated by him like I did whenever he looked at me like that.

It wasn't even cocky necessarily. I wouldn't even call it confident, it was just a look he gave. He always seemed to give. His eyes travelled down to the flowers that weighed heavily in my hands.

"They're nice." He stated simply.

So he was going to ignore what I just said then.
Why was he bothered about stupid flowers.
Where was she?

I looked around, it felt like everyone around us weren't even there but surely enough they were, busying themselves with shooting spells and there was chatter loudly everywhere.
No one was paying attention to us.

I couldn't spot her anywhere, I couldn't spot Sirius anywhere either. They were lost in the crowd somewhere.

He was waiting for a reply. He looked battered down and tired. I was stupid to feel guilty, but I always remembered when there was a full moon. Not this time though. This time I was so preoccupied with Theo that I didn't have time to worry all night about his well-being.
It was probably a good thing.
So why did I feel like such a bad person?

By the look of him, it didn't look too bad.
Maybe he had managed to secure someone to make him wolfsbane. Or maybe he had healed faster somehow, but there wasn't any deep cuts or bruises, just a tiny few scratches that would fade in a couple of days but he looked exhausted.

"Yeah they are."

He furrowed his brows a little when he looked a little closer at them.

"I thought you didn't like roses. Too cliche didn't you say?"

He's right.
I did say that.
My favourite flowers are..

"Peonies. They're your favourite no?"

Fuck off.

"They're for a different purpose."

You'd know but we never talked about marriage. Maybe you didn't want to scare me off. How stupid could you be? Even if I was nowhere near ready, I'd say yes to you in a heartbeat. And then you'd know wouldn't you?
You'd know all the details that I wanted and it would be you giving me these flowers and not Theo. You.

He nodded curtly, sensing my abruptness and reluctance to speak with him.
What did he expect?

That I would flaunt the flowers in front of him in a pathetic attempt to make him jealous?
That I would brag about Theo?
I wouldn't do that, that was desperate.

He stood there still, looking at me carefully, I didn't know what he expected of me.

"What did you wan.."

"We need to talk about what happened."

What was there to talk about now?
Yes I had a million things I wanted and needed to say but I would never say them now because what was the point? It would never change anything and above it all we were in the Ministry. We couldn't air out our dirty laundry here.

"What's there to talk about? I told you what I told you, we shouldn't speak."

"I can't have you think that it was intentional. Do legillimens if you want. Talk to Sirius and ask him. I didn't play that song."

I sighed deeply. In hindsight, this whole thing was ridiculous. It was just a song.
It had happened months ago now so why was he still hung up on it?

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