49- Isabelle

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Professor for Defence Against the Dark Arts??
How many do they need? Hogwarts have always managed with one. Since when do they need another one?

I didn't respond, lost in my own thoughts and Remus cleared his throat again, looking at me as I snapped back to reality, realising that I was coming across as rude.

"Hi, I'm.. Aaliyah." I said somewhat politely, sticking my hand out for her to shake.

She shook it and smiled back at me.
"Nice to meet you."

It was awkward and it was my own fault. I wasn't being very host like and welcoming, but I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that she was sat so close to him. I couldn't stop averting my gaze to where their thighs touched because surely, it was unprofessional to be sat so close to someone you had just met?

Sirius was about to introduce himself and as I looked to him, I realised that he was gawking at her. I frowned and grabbed his arm, squeezing it discreetly so he would get the hint.

"We'll erm.. leave you both to it. Sorry we can't stay and host, s'just that, I've got to do something for Sirius." I said quickly, looking at Sirius for help, who nodded and forced a smile.

"We'll be upstairs if you need us." I said all but dragging him away as they watched us before going back to their conversation,

When I was sure that they were no longer paying attention to us, I yanked Sirius' arm to the opposite direction so we were headed towards the kitchen instead of the stairs.

"Ow!! I thought we were going upstairs." He hissed quietly and I glared at him.

"Like hell we are, do you think I'm gonna leave the two of them alone together?"

I didn't give him a chance to respond before we entered the kitchen, immediately ducking down behind the counter.

"What are we? Five? Why are we spying?"

"Quiet I can't hear."

He sighed and rolled his eyes as I tried to focus on what they were saying. I couldn't hear but their body language was all I needed to see.
Her hand on his knee, then her hand on his thigh, then her hand on his forearm. Her hands just always on him and laughing at everything he was saying and I wondered when Remus Lupin became such a joker.

His jokes were never that funny.

"God, just look at her, why's she laughing so much at everything he's saying, he's not that funny."

Sirius shrugged his shoulders and sighed.
"Can we sit up, my legs are cramping."

"No we can't sit up. We're staying right down here where they can't see us. I refuse to look like a psycho."

"We'll just say we came here to eat not spy, it's your house, you can do whatever you want."

I sighed and got up, both of us sitting on the stools behind the counter. He grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and started eating it as I stared at them.

"You were meant to cut my hair."

I didn't mean to ignore him, but I couldn't focus on anything else.  I was livid, fuming, the way she was acting didn't sit right with me.

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