87- The Loneliness Came Back

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I woke to the feeling of somebody playing with my hair, that somebody being Remus obviously.

It had been so long since I had been in his bed, in his house and not mine, and for a reason that was just simply sleep and not sex. The whole night of just his warmth, his comfort, his sheets, his pillow, his bed, his room, his everything. It was overwhelming in the best way possible.

"What're you thinking about?" He whispered sleepily, eventually breaking the serene silence. I shifted so I was facing him. He smiled widely, his eyes big and bright.

"Just thinking."

"Yes genius, I know that much, about.."

I rolled my eyes and let out a small sigh, "About how long it's been since I've been here, it's been years since you've had me in this bed for the whole night."

His smile faltered a little, replaced by a sorrowful sort of look that made me pout at him. "It wasn't a bad thought, just a thought."

"No I know.. just.." He trailed off his sentence, I hummed in agreement as we laid comfortably.

"I think I've decided what I'm going to do with my life."

"Oh yeah?"


He kissed my cheek playfully, I flinched away teasingly, making a point of his stubble tickling me. "Tell me then."

I rolled over onto my stomach, buried my face into the pillow contently, he stretched his arms as they were finally free from the weight of my head. "No, I think I like being elusive."

I heard him laugh, I cracked an eye open from under the pillow to look at him, unable to contain my smile. "You're not good at keeping secrets, you'll end up telling me by dinner time."

"Are you forgetting that I was your dirty little secret for the better part of my seventh year Mr Lupin?"

He rolled his eyes, but his cheeks flushed red making me smirk a little. "Don't call yourself that."

I shifted around so my head was in his side, he looked down at me with a small smile and ran his hand through my hair again. I sat up slightly, hovered over his torso, my elbows on either side of him. My breath made the little hairs near his bellybutton stand up, he pulled at my hair a little so I could look at him, giving me a confused look. I pressed a soft kiss at his skin just above his belly button. He sucked in a breath, his stomach pulled in, his ribs showed. I kissed all the way up the scar, the one that matched mine, my favourite one now, he shivered beneath me. I stopped at the waistband of his boxers, he whimpered quietly.

"I think I liked it. Is that sick?" I whispered looking up at him to find him staring down at me. Being his secret that was. His hands carded through my hair, his eyes twinkled, his mouth hung slightly open as his chest rose and fell rapidly.

He nodded slowly, for a second I felt judged, but then his response assured me that it was fine. "No."

I smiled widely, he mirrored it. He pulled me up by my hair and kissed me heavily. I rolled over back to his side once we broke apart. I sighed contently, he reached for my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"My tooth hurts." He said finally, breaking the comfortable silence we found ourselves in again.

"Eat more chocolate why don't you?"

"You're the one who fed me a cake yesterday."

"Let me see."

He opened his mouth widely and pointed to the problem tooth, to be honest, I don't know why I offered to look, it looked like just his normal tooth and how could I have been able to tell anyway?

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