28- The Detention

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Was I..
Was I  dreaming last night?

"Professor Lupin is a werewolf."

I must be imagining things again, it must be the cruciatus, I'm losing my mind.

I got up and rubbed my face. I must have been dreaming. How the fuck was Lupin a werewolf?

He has scars. So what? You have scars yourself. If he was a werewolf he wouldn't be allowed to teach at Hogwarts.

Well that's just stupid, Dumbledore's let anyone work at Hogwarts.
Still, he'd disappear once a month though?
There's no cure for werewolves.
He doesn't look like a werewolf, he's skinny.
You can't say that what do you think werewolves are bodybuilders?
Still, wouldn't they be all big and strong and...
Well he's tall.
He's kind of lanky though.
Not really built. Well actually he kind of is, kind of. Why are you thinking about his body.
He's a werewolf for Merlin's sake. No he's not you were just dreaming. He looks harmless, people like him aren't werewolves.

What colour would he be as a wolf?
Brown or grey or..?
Probably brown.
He has brown hair.
I don't think it works like that.

I got up and got ready for lessons.
It was nagging at my brain, I didn't know if I was losing my mind or not. I had History of Magic so I waited for Hermione.

"Have you seen Fred or George?"

"I think they're in Muggle Studies. Why?"

"Nothing, come on let's go."

Maybe he was a werewolf. Where would he go to transform though? The woods? His room?
That's not funny don't laugh.
Imagine him turning into a wolf in his bed.
Stop it stop it stop it stop it.

"What's funny?" Hermione asked me amused.

"Oh nothing nothing." I said smiling.

He just can't be a werewolf, he's just too soft.
He looks like a little puppy, not a wolf. He'd be a cute puppy. Like a golden retriever.
Not one of them big fat slobby ones.
You're in deep, he's a werewolf and you still think he's cute.
No you don't know for sure if he's a werewolf.

I was itching all lesson to find Fred and George, I couldn't sit still. I kept shaking my leg and drumming my fingers on the desk impatiently, the minutes seemed to go on forever. As soon as we finished I practically ran to find them. They weren't hard to spot.
They towered over everyone and their hair stood out. When I saw them, I ran up to them.

"Did you come to my dorm?" I asked and they both grabbed my arm and hurriedly dragged me into an empty corridor.

"This is top secret you understand?"

"Wait wait wait what? So I wasn't dreaming?"

"No, no you weren't dreaming." Fred said and my mouth hung open.

"No!!!!" I gasped.

"Yes." They both said nodding their heads.

"No way you're lying. How?!! There's no way he can't be, how do you know?"

"Well if you let us explain we'll tell you." George said.

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